Chapter 27 - In Which the Rum Episode is Revealed

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Author's Note:

This is the last chapter!! I hope you have all enjoyed the story so far. I know it ends on a unfinished note so I will be doing an epilogue that will clear a few things up. I will have the epilogue up hopefully by tomorrow or at least before Thanksgiving. 

I am actually thinking that I might do a sequal sometime in the future but for now, I am taking a break and going to work on Stones and this other story that I have planned. :D



The carriage rolls back and forth reminding me of a ship sailing over rough seas. I remember the last time I was in this situation. I was on my way to Norrington’s promotion. Although it wasn’t too long ago, it feels a lifetime, an age, away.

The carriage slowly rolls to a stop and Father, with a discouraged sigh, leads the way and exits into the warm, early morning sun.

Elizabeth takes this moment of solitude to grasp my hand encouragingly, before following Father.

Knowing full well, that I couldn’t possibly stay in the carriage, unfortunately, I grab the skirt of my high-necked gown and step out. 

Thankfully, there isn’t anyone around but we quickly head it where a multitude of townspeople have shown up. At the arrival of their governor, the crowd turns to face us. 

One look at me and shocked whispers swell up over them. I lower my head, self-conscious. 

Elizabeth had offered to use powder and cover up the scar on my face but I had refused. I couldn’t possibly wear powder every day for the rest of my life. People would soon find out of my scar and then even more gossip would take place, questioning my vanity and character. 

No. It would be better that everybody know from the get-go. No hiding. No covering up. Just me, plain and simple. If people were disgusted, if young children cried, it would be their problem, not mine.

Even so, the whispers cut deeply and have to withhold myself from turning away. 

We quickly walk between the wall and a row of soldiers, separating us from the rest of the people, until we reach the stone stand where Norrington waits.

Elizabeth and I take our places beside Father who stands beside the Commodore. 

Solemnly, we turn to face the gallows where Captain Jack Sparrow stands. 

Upon seeing me, he gives a small wave which I return with a pain-filled smile.

Father gives me a disapproving shake of his head but I just ignore him. When it comes to things like pirates, I no longer respect his opinion.

The drums start playing and we all turn our attention to the stand on which the gallows are situated.  

“Jack Sparrow” The official starts reading the official proclamation, “Be it known that you have been charged, tried, and convicted, for your willful commission of crimes against the crown. Said crimes being numerous in quantity and sinister in nature, the most egregious of these to be cited herewith: piracy, smuggling...”

“This is wrong.” Elizabeth breaks out in disapproval.

“Commodore is bound by the law, as are we all.” Father replies with finality. 

I bend my ears back to the words of the official.

“...impersonating an officer of the Spanish Royal Navy, impersonating a cleric of the Church of England...”

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