Chapter 8

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I loved being a teacher. I enjoy the feeling of knowing I'm helping mold and shape young minds. The feeling of accomplishment when my students actually learn from me is why I became a teacher.

But it's other times I want to walk out and say fuck this. Some kids try you. They act like they are go big and bad. We all have seen the videos where a student beats up a teacher. The teacher sits there and allows the child to beat them up.

Nah fam not I. If your child walks up to me like they want to fight. I will do the right thing. Throw up my set and whip their ass like their parents should have. It's the last week in September. School started 6 weeks ago. I've had two situations where a student tried to get in my face. I let their asses know off rip I'm not the one to fuck with and they better back the hell up.

Don't get me wrong I love my students it's just they try to test you and see if they can push your buttons. I'm not having that. I'm the teacher and they are the student so they will respect me. If they give me respect I will give them the same respect in return.

"Mr. Matthews why the hell we gotta learn about history in America? It's all about white people. And We know how white people treat the rest of us." Jalena Martinez says while the class is reading a chapter on on America's founding colonies.

"Yea. It seems like all this books represents is white America." Charlie Wu says. He's a shy Korean boy that sits in the back of my fourth period class. Albury High has block scheduling for eight classes. I'm dealing with my 4th period history class right now.

"What do you expect most of America was white back then." Bri Michael says with her thick Jamaican accent.

"No it wasn't! Native Americans were all around before Captain Crunch discovered America." Rico Blies joins into the conversation.

"It's Christopher Columbus. And he didn't discover America. You can't discover a place where people already live." Demartin Williams says. I have both him and his brother Jacob in my 4th period.

"Yea that's like if I walk into your house and say I discovered it." Jacob throws into the conversation.

"Captain Crunch, Christopher Columbus. Same shit." Rico says.

"Rico! What's the rule three of my classroom?" I question him with a hard glare.

"Finagbwisbiebejsb" He mumbles out.

"Speak up."

"No cursing." He says looking at me.

"Yet you still did it. I'm tired of you cursing in this classroom. Every time you curse after today you will get detention after school ."

"You can't do that! I have football practice after school. And I'm the best on the team." He says the truth. Rico can run a ball like I've never seen before. He's one of the top Running Backs in the state.

"I don't care. You know you can't curse in my classroom, yet you still do it. You need to actually pay attention in my class. Football can only take you so far."

"What you tryna say? I at good enough to play professional football?" His voice rises.

"You need to drop the bass in your voice." I tell him on a warning tone. He leans back in his chair knowing not to play. "I wasn't saying that. What I'm saying is your education is just as important as football. So what you are great on the field? Off the field your grades are suffering. Football can only take you so far. You need your education to take you further than that." I tell him nothing but the truth.

Naughty Whispers Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora