Chapter 5

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It's been a month since I graduated. A lot of shit has happened since then. Some good and some bad. Esemerelda and I have gotten closer, so close that soon we will be a couple. No we haven't had sex yet, but I did get to taste that sweet pussy of hers a few weeks ago. I got a few interviews at different high schools for History Teacher positions. I'm weighing my options and looking into all the schools. I still work at Isle's Bakery to help my baby out. Shit has gotten busier since Esemerelda added more savory items to the menu and hit featured in a local magazine. I'm happy to see my baby's hard work has paid off.

Now for the bad shit. Christian has been acting distant lately. It's like my lil brother isn't the same anymore. I'm worried but he's a man. He can handle it, if not he knows I'm here for him. My mother has been working my last damn nerve. She keeps complaining about every life choice I make. If I wipe my ass she will say it's the wrong way,

"You just gonna stare at the door or ring the doorbell?" I ask Christian.

"Give me a second. I need to hype myself up for the bull shit were about to encounter." He says. I agree with him. We stand there for a few minutes staring at the modern wooden door. Where are we? At our mother's house for family dinner. This shit really should be called "I'm going to criticize your life and act like I'm better than you and shit" dinner.

I decide to ring the doorbell. After a few moments our mother comes and opens the door. "Hello boys." She says opening the door. We enter and I look around her house. It's not the same house we grew up in. We grew up in a 2 bedroom house in a lower middle class area of Birmingham Alabama. She brought this two story Victorian style home a few years after she became a lawyer.

I have no memories here because I was barely home. I was always at the Anderson's home and I took Christian with me. She was never home to notice. At 17 I got tired of eating Hot Pockets and frozen Pizza. At least we had hot home cooked meals at the Anderson's.

The living room is all white with modern black furniture. She probably paid $30,000 for the entire couch set. Shit the paint was probably imported from France where the makers of the pain, put Baby Jesus' tears in ever paint bucket. My mother always wants to have the best so she can show off and say "I'm better than you and you can never be me". That's why Christian and I aren't that close to her. She tries to act like she's better than everyone around her.

"Christian and Josiah come along now. Dinner is starting." She says. We walk into the dinning room. The glass chandelier glows above the dinning room table. Five places are set with the finest China my mother could get her hands on. She sits at the head of the table while I take a seat next to Christian. Our older sister Ameya comes in with her fiancé Nick. We all sit down as servers come out and serve is dinner. She never cooks. She has a personal chef to do such common work.

"Josiah why do you always dress like that for family dinner?" My mother gives me a slight glare.

"Because I'm having dinner with y'all not meeting the president." I'm wearing a pair of black jeans with a white Polo shirt. Shit she lucky I decided to put this on. I would have come in some basketball shorts and a tank top.

I look over at her and see she's dressed to impress. Wearing a floor length black gown with about $10,000 in jewelry. Ameya is wearing a strapless blue floor length gown with her hair pulled into a ponytail. My sister used to have naturally curly hair but my mom told her she needs a more professional look so she straightens it every chance she gets. Ameya is a spitting image of our mother. From the high cheek bones and medium brown skin tone to the almond shaped cinnamon eyes.

Nick must have been told to wear a suit. He's in an all black suit with a tie matching Ameya's dress. Nick is a light red color and stands at six feet even. He's a doctor, probably the only reason Ameya took interest in him.

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