Chapter 15: I love you

Start from the beginning

"Whoa Boyfriend? You think Lucas is my boyfriend now?" Riley questioned in an angry tone

"Whatever, you even said that your relationship with him grew so I assume that he is your boyfriend and you both probably kissed" Maya sassed

"Quit assuming. I never kissed him!"

"I thought you liked me you know" she paused while Riley looked at her not saying anything, "I thought I could have a chance with you but I guessed wrong. I know that I'm overreacting but this is you and Lucas that I'm talking about. You two are both of my friends and both of you knew that you and I have feelings for eachother and yet you go out with Lucas behind my back after asking me out on a dinner date?" Maya finished

"Maya, Lucas and I just went on a friendly date" Riley said

"No. There's something else that you're hiding from me. When I look you in the eyes, like right now, I know that you're hiding something else from me. That includes Lucas in it" Maya said

Riley stayed frozen and speechless

"See, I know you Riley. Tell me what you are hiding" she paused, "what did you and Lucas do?"

"I- um..." was the only thing that came out of Riley's mouth

"You both kissed didn't you?" Maya chuckled angrily

"Even if we did, Maya, I still have feelings for you. You're the one that I want not Lucas. Our kiss didn't mean anything you know. After Lucas kissed me, I realized that you're the one. Maya I love you"

"I hate you" Maya harshly said, "I-I can't trust you anymore. Do you see, you tried to hide another thing from me. The point is, you shouldn't hide anything from a person you love. You've failed at being my best friend and I don't think I could ever in a million years could ever trust you. Your job was to tell me everything fast, not hide it"

"I'm sorry" Riley apologized

"Now, I can't trust Farkle and Lucas too. You told Farkle about it first instead of me. Putting your bestfriend last is not a good choice especially if the both of you were friends for a long time"

Riley stayed speechless

"Especially if both of you liked eachother and had feelings for one another. But thinking about it now, I don't anymore and you probably don't too because remember you told me that you might've lied about having feelings for me? Yeah. I know you remember" Maya argued

"No no. I still do have feelings for you" Riley's voice cracked but managed to hold in her cry, "T-that was a mistake, I didn't know what I was saying. I was lost in my thoughts"

"Yeah. You're lost about having feelings for me or not" Maya paused, "You're exploring your feelings and you want to explore new things but I think you don't have to do that because you know who you really are. You know your feelings well, you like Lucas. Lucas is the one Riley"

"I don't know" Riley softly said

"Yes you do know"

"I guess" Riley said

"Riley, I don't think I can be friends with you anymore. I want you to think about things. I don't want to be in the way and I know you'd be better off with Lucas and Farkle. Another thing is that, I need a break. I can't trust anyone no longer anymore. I'm scared of what people are going to say to me because should I want to trust them? I don't know anymore" Maya said

Both of them stayed silent for a minute.

"I'm not sorry for breaking our friendship. But you've been seeing Lucas after that promise you made with me. I don't know. Call me selfish but we've told eachother things first. We put eachother first and you even promised me that we put eachother first. But for the past few days, you haven't been putting me first" Maya paused, "I don't know anymore Riley"

"Leave" Riley said trying not to get angry

"I'd be glad too" Maya said and then exited out of the place.

Topanga then went inside, the first thing she saw was Riley crying. She went over to her and hugged her.

"What happened?" Topanga worriedly asked

"We're not friends anymore" she sniffled, "One thing I did that ended our friendship. I regret everything I ever did with Lucas"

"Just give Maya time... She's gonna come back" Topanga said trying to cheer Riley up

"No she's not. This conversation we had right here tells it all. I wasn't being a best friend to her for the past few days. I didn't put her first because back then, we promised eachother that we would put eachother first. But I broke that promise and broke another promise" Riley said then cried again

Topanga just comforted her.

"But I don't know if I really have feelings for her before. I think I lied to her about it, I should've told her that I was still confused" Riley said crying.

"I do think it was Lucas all along" Riley finished

A/N: Omg this sucks

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