His voice sounded different at the point of breaking, ever since the boys had gotten back together everything seemed different and not the same as it used to be. "No, Dean. I wouldn't" Sam said softly. You exhaled forgetting that you had held your breath in, waiting for Sam's reply and you didn't expect that from Sam... Of all people.

Just a glimpsed look of Dean said it all; he was hurt and shocked as much as you were. "Same circumstances... I wouldn't." Sam said deadpanned. There was utter silence; the boys were eye locked while Dean took the time to process it all as he looked torn apart by his brother's insensitive words. "I'm gonna get to bed." Sam mentioned impassively.

He was unable to look at his brother's devastated face as he left the room without another word. It suddenly clicked that he was making his way towards you, quickly you moved away from the wall as if you were just about to walk into the kitchen and you both exchanged looks. "Hey, how was the hunt?" you asked concerned. 

He pointed at his busted lip with a smirk giving you an idea of what happened. "Besides the busted lip. It was the same old, I guess." he answered sounding troubled. His mind seemed somewhere else and his was attitude was impassive. "How are you doing after what happened?" he asked.

There were no words to describe how you felt, it was the one question that you hated after someone had passed away and all it did was bring back the memory all over again. A lump in your throat formed from the thought of it. "Holding it out, I guess. Trying to keep strong." you said confident. Most of it was the truth but you didn't want him to see you have a whole weird break down because it wouldn't end well.

Something things are better off being kept unknown. He gave you a sympathetic smile. "We have a shooting range which seems to do the job." he said with a smile. That was one of the best places so far to help get your anger out on the trigger. An uneasy smile appeared upon your face. "I'm going to get to bed. It's been a long day." He smiled before heading in the other direction. 'That was close' you thought to yourself.

Dean sat down with his head in his hands, he was inadequate of noticing your presence when you entered with you back against the wall and your arms crossed. He finally sensed your presence and glanced up to see you standing against the wall with a concerned look. "Oh... Jamie." he murmured. He stood up quickly from the chair to get a glass.

He walked slowly back to the table to pour you a drink. "How you holding up?" he asked concerned. All you managed to do was smile even though the more you thought about it, your brother and the way he died, it hurt to breathe. It was like the moment a memory or thought of your brother came to mind, you forgot to breathe and you knew if you had to say how you felt, you'd break down. "It's just... It's..." you paused speechless as Dean glanced up solicitous about your state.

"I don't know." There were no words to have expressed on how you felt. He gazed up as if he knew what you were going through, a knowing look as he placed the glass down and took paced steps towards you. 

The urge was impossible and the second he had reached you, right there you didn't care and you dropped your head upon his chest. To be in his arms felt comforting. The hug seemed everlasting as his hands were placed onto your lower back, you didn't want to let go but he pulled away with a worried look.

Just his hands still secured on your waist and your body pulled against his. That look gave it away, you knew exactly what was bothering him and you placed the palm of your hand gently onto his face. "Dean... he didn't mean it. Don't take it to heart." you whispered.

Just as the words left your lips his face changed, his head dropped wanting to hold back the tears that pooled his worn out eyes. "I'm gonna head to bed." he said. He placed his lips gently onto your forehead before breaking away from your close body contact and he soon left the room. It was silent and at that point you didn't care if Dean wanted you around but you knew he needed someone.

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