Part 17

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My feet slapped of the ground, cross bow at the ready, Zac hot on my trail. I hid behind a wall, taking the few Z's that was around.

I lost them all, we got separated in the water when the zombies over crowed the boat, Sketchy and Skeeyz was with us. I just hope they are all okay.

I sit with my head against a brick wall, the weather was hot, my throat was dry as the desert. The little beads of sweat forming on my head, I was ready to give up, I closed my eyes. I need just to rest, I just want to have a proper sleep, I could hear a z approaching me, I can't be bother with this, I'm so done.

"WHY THE FUCK? WHY DONT YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" I screamed while stabbing it in the head, before returning back to my original space. I could feel my eyes getting droopy and more droppy by the second, my eyes closed.

"HELP, PLEASE. SOMEONE HELP ME" my eyes shot open, it sounded like a familiar voice, but I couldn't put a face to it. I followed the voice calling for help, I stopped when I came to the trail to blood. My heart was racing, if anyone  was here they would see it booming out my chest. I opened the door slowly, and there she was stood, a bloody Addy, her eyes blood shot, her neck had a chunk out of it. She was one of them, I raised my gun, and she lunged forward.

"NIOMI, NIOMI" I heard my name being shouted. Just as Addy lunged towards me I woke up.

The sweat was dripping of me, Warren, Addy, Doc, Vasques and Murphy was standing in front of me, where's 10k? My eyes felt heavy, my breathing was heavy. Warren bent down, and handed me a bottle of water and a Twinkie, I quickly gulped it down, and eat the Twinkie so fast I nearly choked.

"Are you guys okay? Where's 10k?" I said getting up and brushing myself down.

"Umm, well we don't know exactly" Addy said looking everywhere but me

"We need to find him" I said loudly.

We found a car, it was small but it had fuel and it worked so we hoped in a zoomed off hoping to find 10k.

We drove, which felt like ages, and finally we landed at a little town, it looked nice, apart from it being run down, it look pretty decent.

I hoped out the car, the place looked abandoned, I spun around looking at all the building,

"10k" I shouted.
"10 THOUSAND, ARE YOU HERE" I shouted, but no answer, just a couple of Z's. I kill them and make my way back to the car.

I lie across, Doc, Addy and Murphy, I was on the verge of giving up, until we Warren pushes down the break, and I roll forward hitting on the seats,

"Ouch" I said rubbing my head.
"Well that is why you should be wearing a seat belt" Warren said seriously

"Since when do we have to wear seat belts, it's the apocalypse" I said before we all squeezed out the car and got to the girl.

"Please you must help me, they are going to hang my friends" the girl pleaded.

"Okay, lead the way" I said quickly, but before I ran, I was pulled back.

"We need to find 10k" Warren said sternly.

I sighed, "meet me at that bridge in 20 minutes, if I'm not there then leave" I said sprinting off, I got to the camp, and hide behind a car, to have a look at he sight, I couldn't believe my eyes it's 10k and he's about to be hung, I quickly sit back down. As I turned round, I see the group coming my way.

"Really guys, really" I said quietly, signalling them to look.

They pulled the lever, and 10k started to dangle, me, Addy and Doc, took out guns out and shot the rope, setting 10k,  Sketchy and Skeeyz free, the people saw us at the shoot out began, 10k reached us, and I gave him the biggest hug.

The zombies got set free from a dentist truck? What that doing here? And soon the camp was over run, we all ran, but 10k got caught up in the chaos, we all had jumped over the bus that had crashed, but acted as a barrier so the zombies couldn't get passed, I saw everyone bar 10k, I was going to run back but Vasques stopped me, damn you and your strong arms..

"We need to get 10k" I shouted.

"No, we have a mission, we need to stick to it" Warren said bitterly

"So you are just going to leave him, this isn't you Warren. You wouldn't give up on your own team mate" I spat

"Just get in the car" I refused, but after a while, I still hoped 10k would cross the buss, but we had sat here for ages, just as we all piled in, we heard a voice

"WAIT" the voice shouted, we all got out then we seen 10k running towards us, the smile on my face was so big. He finally caught up, and made our way to our destination.

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