Part 9

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I sat on top of the porch stairs, Zac at my feet, a house that we were staying in, just looking at the stars, it was a nice fact, well nice for an apocalypse. I took first watch, I was thinking about life before the apocalypse.

-Flash Back-

"Dad, can we have this one?" I said pointing to the black and white puppy in the window

"And can I have this one?" My sister pointed to the kitten.

"You can have any animal you'd like" my dad smiled, I smiled back at him and petted the puppy, I just knew from that moment we would be brilliant friends.

"What are you going to call him and her" the cashier said referring to the puppy and kitten my dad bought for us

I thought for a moment "Zac, I'm going to call him Zac and we are going to be best friends" I smiled at her with my head held high,

"I'm going to call mines.. Bluebell" my sister laughed, I just looked at her and laughed"

-end of flash back-

I was so deep in thought I never noticed my mum had joined me on the porch

"Niomi" she said barely a whisper, I looked at her, letting her know to continue

"I'm sorry i left, your dad and I.. We were rainy for each other, I regretted leaving you and your sister behind, I loved you and her with all my heart, it pained my heart to leave. But I felt like I needed to because it didn't feel right to stay in a house with your father" she looked at me, i just looked at my hand and played with my fingers

"You could've at least stayed in the same country as us mum, It horrible growing up with no female figure in my life. I love my father and he was a good man bring me and my sister up. He had dreams that he put on hold for us, he worked his ass off, to let us have a better life. It's not the fact you left hurt, it's the fact that you left when we were at school, I never got to say goodbye, I never got to tell you I loved you. I never got to have a conversation about the boys I liked, how bad my day was at school, my first period" a tear slipped my eye.

"I'm sorry honey, I know the way I left was unforgivable, but I'm here to protect you now. I know you father and Sophia is dead, I can't live with the fact your father and my child is dead" she starts to cry, I just hugged her tight, I needed it, i couldn't be angry at my mum, even if she left, it was the god damn apocalypse and I wasn't planning on loosing anymore people.

"I know you like that young boy, 10k" mum looked at me, wiping my tears away from my eyes, I just looked at my hands

"Yes, yes I do, but I can't. He has a girlfriend, and even if he didn't, we wouldn't be a couple. He's going to be the death of me to be honest. I don't know if I'm so attached to him because he's only boy or person who is close to my age and is a boy. He's just mess-" I was interrupted by a cough, I look up and see  Murphy staring at us.


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