Part 10

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"This is brilliant" Murphy laughed, I just rolled eyes.
"What did you exactly hear, Murphy?" I said looking him dead in the eye

"You're in love with the sniper boy" he smiled,
"Oh.. No, I was talking about another boy, you know.." I stuttered.

"Oh honey, I may be blue, but I ain't no stupid zombies" he sassed, i could feel the blood rising to my cheeks

"Plusssss everybody knows, remember your mother shouted it out and you denied it, think the kid already knows" he smirked at me

"Oh, you can't tell him, he's with Cassandra, please Murphy, please don't say anything" i practically begged

"Don't worry sweet cheeks, your secret is safe with me" he smirked, I knew this was bad.
"Plussssss.... Every body already knows, remember your argument with you mother? She spilled the beans" he laughed,

"I told them it wasn't true, I thought they believed me. And why aren't you sleeping, it's meant to be me on watch" i yawned, gosh I'm getting tired
"Everyone did believe you, I did until now" he said before entering the house,

I could feel my eyes getting heavier by the moment and finally they closed.

10k came up to me, pressing his lips on mine, kissing them violently
"I've been waiting for this moment, I want you and not Cassandra. From the moment I saw you, I was in love. I'm sorry i made you wait this long" 10k said kissing my lips again. A zombie came over and bit 10k. I was shaking violent

"NIOMI, NIOMI. Wake up we are moving out" I jolted up, little beads of sweat on my fore head. I was met with Addy, who was smiling at me, I looked at my surroundings and was in a bedroom

"Come on, we need to go" and with that she left the room.

It wasn't real, it was all a dream. A sudden sadness came over me, as I dragged myself to the truck.

When hell rises! 10k fanfiction Z Nation Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang