Part 15

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I was woken up with a Big Bang, I jumped up, and quickly scrambled about

"CHECK EVERYWHERE" a mans voice shouted, my heart began to race, while I looked for a hiding space, I quickly grabbed my bag and frantically trying to find a place to hide, there was no where, I just quickly hid behind the box next the wall. I prayed for them not to find me, the attic door opened and the ladders where pulled down, the foot steps were taken their time, and was very heavy pressed. Just before he reached the top, someone called on him, the footsteps left, I waited for what felt ages. I opened the attic door, and made my way down carefully with Zac in my arms.

I commanded Zac to stay, and quietly made my way round the house, making sure no one was there, I explored the house, and found a garage, with a quad, YES. I made sure it worked, before running back into the house, and packing all the food and water I could, which was all, packing into the trailer that I hooked on top the Quad, putting Zac in the back. I exited the garage, and looked into the distance, I remember Citizen Z talking abit a zunami, I quickly drove off into the distance hoping to find somewhere to ride this out.

I stopped in my tracks, the Zunami was getting closer, I saw a a big building in the distance, I drove quickly to it, when it came in view, it was a big casino, I made my way to the gates which was guarded by guards.

"Stop" one of them shouted, and i stopped in my tracks.

"Who goes there, and what is your purpose?"

"Well, if you look into the distance and see the big tornado coming towards us, and I was looking for some-"

"Just let her in" a girl called out, I looked at her and smiled, I thanked her and we went into the building.

We went up 3 flights of stairs, she opened the door, and we walked in, only to met with the people I tried to get away from.

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