Part 14

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Zac and I was sat on the grass having a break from all the walking, I lay my head on my jumper that I bundled to use as a pillow, taking in the sweet summer breeze.. I closed my eyes just for a second, I knew I couldn't let my guard down, in case of any Z's.

Zac, starting growling. I must've dozed off, when I opened my eyes, there was at least a dozen Z's heading towards me. I quickly got to my feet, shooting my arrow that was already loaded in my crossbow, reloading, aiming and shooting, repeating the this process until there was about 2 Z's left, I ran over taking my sword and slicing the Z's heads off, the retrieve my arrows from their brains, before putting the arrows and my sword back in their pouches.

I put my bag on my shoulder, and Zac and I ran to the little cottage that was just in eyes view.

I opened the door, banged on it, a family of zombies came out, a mother a father and 2 children, I quickly gave them mercy and pierced the mother and fathers brain, I couldn't do it to the kids


We ran through the supermarket, trying to find food, we ran out.. Me, my dad and sister. We came to and isle and there was a woman on her knees, my dad shouted to get her attention, but what I saw next will haunt me till my days, a mother was eating what I presumed was her child, a little baby boy.. She ran towards us, and I froze, what has this world came too. The baby soon turned, and was a fast zombie, dad quickly picked me up and we ran out the shop, blocking the door. Just as we turned round, there was a slam at the door, the mother and then another slam, her son, slamming into the door, trying to get us. We quickly got into the camper and drove off.

-flashback end-

A tear slipped my eye, as I drew my sword, and pierced the brains off the kids, who were not longer kids, but indeed were zombies..

I made my way into the house, the cupboards where full with tins and packets off foods, they must've restocked then got changed.

I got a tin of soup from the cupboard, got my pan, and make my way over the the little fire I had made, to boil the water in the kettle, I found some coffee and sugar as well, which I was thankful for. Once my soup was het up and the kettle boiled, I quickly put out the fire and made my way back to the cottage. I took the first spoonful of my soup and it was like heaven

"Mmmmm" I moaned out loud, it the best food I've had in a long time, after I finished my soup, I moved onto my coffee, I was perfect temperature, i enjoyed it so much.

I opened the attic and pulled down the stair like ladders down, I put my bag on and picked up Zac, carefully climbed up them, placing Zac on the floor, turning my torch on, and looking for Candles, it was black out windows, so no one could see the light, thank god. I found 2 candles. I set them down, got my sleeping bag down on the ground, before setting down a little blanket for Zac, and set down for the night.

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