Introducing Characters

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Lydia Grey- Lydia is the main character of this story, she has long dark brown hair and light blue eyes. Lydia is quite athletic, she plays on the school volleyball, basketball and badminton team and loves nothing more than spending time with her squad of 6 members. She is considered pretty popular in her school

Tyra Riggins- Lydia's best friend who's been with her since kindergarten. She also has long dark brown hair but light green eyes. She is also extremely athletic, she spends most of her time in the gym or hanging out with Lydia. She is a high energy girl with an outgoing personality.

Jordan Skye- The new boy who is recently catching Lydia's eye, he's got dark hair, light green and a killer body.

Nina Scott- Lydia's other friend with dirty blond hair and blueish green eyes. She used to be best friends with Lydia and Tyra but lately she's been drifting away due to her boyfriend. She has a quiet personality but casually throws in jokes that usually gets people laughing.

Raena Eastwood - Jordan's best friend who doesn't normally talk to Lydia until they start spending more and more time together.

Chris Knight- The boy Lydia has been infatuated with for almost a year, one of her best friends. Chris has short dark hair and light green eyes and is a constant flirt with Lydia. He has a smart ass attitude that ranges from funny to annoying.

Dean Mitchell- The clown of the group who's always ready to crack a joke. Dean has a wavy blond flow and brown eyes

Tyson Burg- The awkward one in the squad with a strange liking for Lydia.

Important note***

The first few chapters might be a bit boring but I can assure you the rest of the book gets interesting and even has some pretty intense moments

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