Chapter 14

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3rd Perspective
"Wait, wait, wait, you knew Liz was a bounty hunter?" Kanan questioned.

"Yep," Ezra answered. Kanan had a funny confused face.

"Then why didn't you do anything about it?"

"Ehh, didn't feel like doing anything. Besides, I couldn't let Liz distract me from finishing the base," Ezra rested his elbows on his thighs. Kanan shrugged it off.

"Yeah, sorry of all the trouble I caused you," Liz apologized.

"Don't worry about it," Ezra said. "You were just doing you job."

Liz smiled at him. Even though he forgave Liz a long time ago, still doesn't make up to what Liz did to Lexi. In her opinion, yes.

"Anyways, let me finish."

*Beginning of flashback*

Both Liz and Lexi had a surprised expression. They couldn't get a word out, even if they tried. Ezra let go of them and they fell to the ground softly.

"Wait, you knew I was a bounty hunter?" Liz asked.

"Well of course, you don't think I've heard that name during the time I was working with the Empire?" Ezra crossed his arms.

"You worked with the Empire before?" Liz stood up, her legs were a bit shaky.
"He isn't the only one that worked for them and never heard that name," Lexi also got up. Liz turned her head.

"You worked for them?"

"What? Oh no, I was talking about Zare. The one that over there," Lexi pointed to Zare. He was standing in the corner, he slowly walked out of the room. Not wanting to get involved.

"Okay," Liz said. "I failed my job. I guess I better go now. There's nothing left for me. Sorry for all I have caused, it's my fault and no worries, you won't have to see me ever again."

"You're gonna give up, just like that?" Lexi questioned. It isn't likely for a bounty hunter to give that easily.

"Yes, a Jedi plus more than twenty Spectres that are highly capable to kill me right now, I don't stand a chance. I wouldn't be able to fight back, all I have is a knife and a small blaster," Liz took out the knife and blaster.

"Did you have those all along?" Ezra pointed to her weapons.

"Yes, well, I should go before I get killed or something like that."

Liz dusted off her tank top and her dirty white pants and headed to the entrance.

"Liz wait," Ezra grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. She was about the same eye level as him. Crazy since Ezra is about 5'10. "You can either leave and continue to be a bounty hunter for the rest of your life, or you can stay here with us and learn the ways of the Force."

Liz was taken aback. They were giving her a second chance to redeem herself. Nobody has done that, they never gave Liz a second chance. She really did want to stay. The laughs they share, smiles, joy, happiness is spread all around. With that surrounding her, she might feel like a real human being for once since she was eleven.

"I-I- I don't know," Liz stuttered. "Are you sure you want an bounty hunter here? Roaming around this place?"

"If you give bounty hunting up, then you will be trained to be a Jedi. Just like I once was," Ezra sounded sad when he said the last sentence.

"Are you not a Jedi?"

"I am, I was just once something... different let's just say. I am not like the rest of them," Ezra choked on his words. Liz nodded. "So, will you join our small team?"

Lexi came next to him. Her nose seemed broken, with the dried up blood on her upper lip. Her smile made her happy, even though Liz punched her in the nose. There was something defiantly different wih Lexi, how can she smile to the person who hurt her. Then Ezra, Ezra was about to become a master, Liz's master. She could tell they were going to be close friends.

Liz already saw Ezra as an older brother, even though they are the same age. Liz could tell many thing were coming her way, but she didn't care. Whether they were good things or bad things, she would make the best of it. Liz knew, her life was gonna change from that one moment.

"I would love to join the team."

*Ending of flashback*

~That's it guys. There will be a small epilogue just so you know since this chapter is the shortest I've ever written. Tell me what you guys thought about Liz's back story, only if you want to. This is your author signing out.

May the Force be with you...

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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