Chapter 1

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3rd Perspective
(Two months later)
The Ghost crew got to the base before the sun rose behind the mountains. They entered quickly now that they know the secret nock/password.

"Don't you think we're to early?" Sabine looked around, only two Spectres were in the room with them. They left soon after the crew arrived.

"Yeah, maybe, but today we are gonna help Ezra, Liz and Lexi deliver something to Capital City," Kanan said. Lexi was walking past and almost choked on her drink.

"What are you doing here?" Lexi coughed. She hit her chest it bit trying to make the drink leave her throat.

"We're here to help you guys." Hera said.

"Help us?"

"Yeah, Ezra said we needed extra hands to help him take something to Capital City."

Lexi had a small disappointed face.

"That's tomorrow," she reminded them. The crew groaned in annoyance, looking at Kanan. He had a 'sorry' face.

"Well, now what? There isn't anything for us to do, Commander Sato doesn't have any missions for us." Hera complained.

"You guys can stay. I'm sure Ezra will have something to do, you guys might be able to lead him a hand," Lexi suggested. They nodded.

"Were are we gonna stay?" Zeb asked. Chopper grunted behind him.

"There's a kitchen to your right and a small room with chairs and couches to your left. In about half an hour Ezra and all of the Spectres will be awake." Lexi headed upstairs.

The Ghost crew walked to the small room with the couches. Zeb fell asleep sooner than expected, while Hera, Kanan, and Sabine talked.

(Time Skip 30 minutes)

Ezra fast walked into the room the crew was in, everyone was awake, the base was filled with quiet chatter.

"Hey guys," Ezra greeted. The crew stood up.

"Hey Ezra, sorry we came. We thought you needed us today, but turns out it was tomorrow," Kanan apologized.

"No it's fine, seeing my crew one day earlier doesn't hurt," Ezra smiled brightly.

"So, are you going to be doing anything today that you need help with?" Hera asked. Ezra scratched his head.

"Hmm," he thought. "All we are doing is going out and buy some fuel. We are running low on it."

"Can we come along?" Zeb whined.

"Yes, you may come along." Ezra corrected him.

'Grammar Hammer,' Zeb thought.
(True fact: I, myself, am a grammar hammer)

The Ghost crew, Ezra, Liz, and Lexi went to the out skits of Kingston to buy fuel. Along the way, Ezra introduced the crew to a few of the people of the city.

"Here you go Mr. Bridger. Seven full tanks of fuel," the man smiled.

"I've told you many times to call me Ezra, Mr. Engel."

He crossed his arms, "And I've told you to call me Eliot." His bushy white moustache wiggled.

"Fair enough. Here you go." Ezra gave Mr. Engel 25 credits. "Thank you!"

Mr. Engel tipped his dirty red hat and walked into his shop.

(Sorry for this time skip to the base)

Ezra, Liz, and Lexi gently let down the fuel tanks in the storage room. Along, with Hera, Kanan, Zeb and Sabine.

"The storage room has lots of unused blasters and bombs," Sabine excitedly looked at them. She was already drooling over the weapons.

"Don't get to happy Sabine, the crew and the fleet can have some later on," Ezra slowly walked out fo the storage room. The rest followed.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something important," Liz said, out of the blue.

"Maybe we are," Lexi replied.

"Chopper what day is it?" Ezra asked him. They arrived in the main room where meetings and mission are taken care of. Chopper beeped out the date and time.

Liz had a panicked face. "Say that again?"

Chopper beeped the date and time once more.

"Liz isn't today like a family reunion?" Lexi whaled.

"Not family reunion, just a simple reunion my planet does every year. It's fine, I don't have to go to this one," Liz calmly said.

"Are you kidding me, you are going. You have been going ot the reunion for a long time, you don't just go because you're late," Ezra grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the front door.

"Come on," Lexi waved her hand to the crew. The crew ran with Lexi too.

Ezra stopped at the door way. "Hey, may I borrow your ship? Ours is getting repaired."

Hera nodded.

"Can we come along?" Zeb questioned. Ezra looked at Liz, she was the one that knew the answer.

"Of course, if Master Bridger and Lexi can go, then you guys can too," Liz allowed. They headed to the Ghost and took off to space. Liz typed in the coordinates and they were off.

"So, what is this reunion?" Sabine turned to Liz.

"Oh some old reunion we do every year were we are able to see our aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, cousins, stuff like that," she explained.

"Who from your family is going?" Zeb asked.

"My aunts, uncles-"

"How many do you have?" Zeb cut her off. Liz gave him a quick glare, but answered his question.

"More than 12, that's for sure."

The crew started at her blankly.

"How is that possible?" Kanan questioned.

"My grandmother had five children, including my mother, and they all got married and their loved ones had brothers and sisters," Liz simply said.

"Okay, where do you come from?" Hera asked, looking into the hyperspace tunnel.

"You'll see." Liz smirked. They came lut of hyperspace.

The planet was red with blue with a hint of green. Clouds were scattered around it with a brownish color in it. Hera was taken back by what she saw, she hadn't been to this planet in years. One of the main reasons why she didn't come here was because of Hera's father.

The crew got up and went to look outside the glass. They too, we surprised.

"Umm, L-Liz?" Hera stuttered. "Why are we at Ryloth?"

"Yeah, did you put in the wrong coordinates?" Kanan looked at the screen.

"No, this is where I'm supposed to be. The reunion is always held here," Liz said.


"Yes, Hera?"

"What-what specimen is your mother?" Hera shyly asked.

"Oh right, about that, my mother is a Twi'lek."

~A chapter may come later on today, but still not sure. Hopefully you like the first chapter, not much about Liz was revealed, though. The second chapter will at least started going into her back round.

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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