Chapter 3

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(Nala Secrua Vallis)

3rd Perspective
"Yes, that's a baby bump," Nala squealed with Liz. Liz went to hug her, careful not to press her stomach.

"How long has the bump been there?"

"Six months."

"No wonder it's so big," Liz rubbed her stomach. She was excited to become an aunt.

"Yeah, it's gonna get bigger. I think, I don't know, I'm new to this. I'm really really nervous." Nala's orange eyes looked at her belly bump.

"Don't be," Zander placed his hands on Nala's shoulders. "You're going to be a great mother."

"And you're going to be a great father," Nala and Zander shared a kiss. Liz fake gagged. They both rolled their eyes.

"See, you are childish," Arruna called from behind. Liz rolled her eyes at her. "Well, I have to get going. I have to help the dancers get ready, bye."

"Bye," they said in union.

"Liz, would you like to stay and join us for a quick meal before the reunion starts?" Nala asked.

"Sure," Liz happily answered.

(Time Skip the meal to the beginning of the reunion)

Liz, Zander and Nala walked to the place the Ghost crew went to earlier. They had to be slow because Nala can't walk fast since she is caring extra weight. Nala's white skin became more white everytime she felt like throwing up. They finally arrived. They walked in Twi'leks and humans were already in there. Chatting, laughing, getting something in eat or drink.

"Master," Liz spotted Ezra in a corner table with the rest. They had drinks in there hands, talking and looking around the room.

'That better not be what I think it is,' Liz thought. She approached them, still keeping a short distance.

"Oh hey Liz," Lexi pulled a chair away from the table. Signaling her to sit down, so she did.

"Hi," she simply said.

"So where did your aunt pull you to?" Sabine wondered. She has been gone for a while.

"Oh she took me to my brother, that's all."

"You have a brother?"

"Yes, his name is Zander," Liz looked at the crew. Ezra and Lexi already knew this information, so they didn't really pay attention.

"Master, aren't you usually in the ship by now?" Liz asked, she sounded kind of rude. Which she hated.

"My father let us stay. Saying something about helping out," Hera answered for Ezra. Liz nodded.

'Nice, now it won't be as lonely as before.'

An hour in to the reunion, singers were up on the stage singing their hearts out. Putting their very soul into the words, passion ran through their veins as they singed to the crowd of people. Everyone clapped after they finished a song.

"In a couple of minutes we will be heading outside for the dancers to perform," the singer said. She walked off the stage and everyone went back to talking.

"This place really goes full out on their performs," Kanan said. He sounded drunk after taking only three shots of who knows what. But, Ezra tasted it and said it wasn't alcohol.

"Yeah," Liz mumbled.

"Do you do anything like this Liz?" Hera questioned.

"Yes." The crew was a bit surprised. She doesn't seem like the type of person to so this stuff. "I'm the seventh generation of singers and dancers along with my cousins."

"Wow, seventh generation. That's a lot," Zeb added.

"Yeah," they all said.

"Why don't you perform?" Sabine leaned on the table, eager to get an answer.

"Well, I do perform. Just not here."

"Where in specific?"

"I'm usually a back up dancer oe singer. Sometimes perform in front of Jabba the Hut. I go to Naboo, Coruscant, Alderran, you know, those types of places," Liz took a sip of her drink.

"Nice," Sabine replied. Truth is, Liz has been to several planets with her mother. She would dance to make money for her family and gained fame out of it unexpectedly. But mostly, she would do it for fun.

'Liz, once you have your own little family,' Ella, her mom, once said. 'I want you to teach them how to dance and sing. Carry on the tradition for us. Make them be the next generation of performers.'

Liz sensed tears threatening to escape her eyes. She missed her mother and father. Her father, Leonardo, was a singer. Her mom forced him, teaching him technics that can make his voice better. For months he practiced to get a good voice, he succeeded.

"Guess who's here?!" a familiar voice yelled in the room. They turned towards the entrance.

"Seela!" the whole room yelled. Liz got up from her chair in a rush. She almost fell. She pushed through the crowd of people in her way. She kept bumping into people, pushing her into them, she got annoyed. The crowd died down and she could finally see her aunt.

"Aunt Seela!" Liz cried, running to her. Seela had open arms and pulled her into a soft hugging.

"How's my niece doing?"

"I'm fine, how about you? We haven't seen you in three in a half years!" Liz pulled away from the hug. A few people were still surrounding them

"I'm good. Great, in fact! Why would you ask? I was gone because I was working," She grabbed Liz's hands. Arruna came and hugged her sister from behind.

"Because, you have been dancing for Jabba the Hut non-stop. Like a slave," Arruna pointed out.

"I'm no slave. I just dance for fun okay. He doesn't control me," she defended herself.

"Then what took you so long?" Liz asked. The crew were behind a small crowd of Twi'leks, but they were visible.

"Oh, uh, well," Seela sighed. "I had to ask if I could come here."

"It sounds as if he owns you sis," Arruna said. She walked next to Liz.

"No, just because I couldn't make it to the other reunions doesn't mean I'm a slave. I leave when I want to then I come back," Seela was getting a bit irritated. The people around her were whispering now.

"Did you perform anywhere else, except Jabba's palace?" Liz quesioned her aunt.

"Yes, but only to four other places in the past three in a half years," Seela muttered.

"Barley going anywhere, asking for permission to leave, and dancing for someone who owns slave dancers and singers, and maybe living there for three years sounds like a slave," Liz came out.

"No, slaves don't get paid anything and never leave their masters side. Besides, I had my own home on Tatooine," Seela confirmed. Arruna and Liz gave each other a look.

"Still sounds like you are a slave aunt Seela."

"Oh, like you know how a slaves life is like?" Seela complained.

"Actually I do know how a slaves life is like," Liz's heart was pumping. The truth is coming.

"How is that possible?" Arruna asked.

"Yeah?" Seela asked, too. People around them started to whisper loudly.

Zander and Nala watched from beyond the crowd around them. Zander, desperately, trying to move people out of the way. Her sister was now the center of attenion, and she didn't like. Neither did he.

"Because, I was a slave myself."

~I'm just gonna leave it here. I didn't know what to write.

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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