Chapter 13

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3rd Perspective
"Ugh, you still remember that," Lexi groaned. She rested her head on her hands.

"Yes I do," Liz laughed.

"You do know it was a joke right?"

"Yeah, I know. But I couldn't help but put it in the story," Liz admitted. Lexi lowered her head even more. Ezra rolled his eyes and punched Lexi's arm.

"Calm down," Ezra said. He didn't know about the joke until now. "If I can take a joke, you can take a joke."

"Are you saying I can't take a joke?" Lexi raised her voice. Ezra backed off a bit.

"Woah, touched a nerve there."

"Anyways, back to the story," Liz announced.

*Beginning of flashback*

Liz spent the next few days with the Spectres. It felt weird to Liz. She hasn't had any real friends ever since she parted ways with Bossk. Liz liked the feeling of having actual friends, to bad the friendship wasn't gonna last long. Soon, Liz will have to trick Ezra to take him to Azmorigan.

The problem with Ezra is that he is very athletic and well trained. More than what Liz could handle. She plans on taking him down at his weakest, when he has no weapons with him and he is tired. There was a slight problem though. Ezra always asked her if she has any experience on fighting, Liz always replies with a no. Not only that, he keeps an eye on her. As if he doesn't trust Liz. Which is true, he didn't trust her.

"So, when are you going to head home," Ezra asked. Him and Liz were heading back to the base after picking up some fruit.

"Oh, umm, maybe in a two days or three if you don't mind me staying longer," Liz said. They entered a dim alley, which was a shortcut to the base. The only risk going though there is the stormtroopers that are there from time to time.

"I don't mind. I just don't want your mother to get worried," Ezra assured her.

"Oh she won't," Liz responded. "She has nothing to worry about."

Ezra and Liz were close to exiting the alley, but not close enough.

"You there!" A stormtrooper called. Three more stormtroopers were behind him as well. "What are you two do- it's the Spectres!"

They started to shoot without question.

"Get behind me," Ezra ordered Liz. Liz did what she was told. Ezra deflected the blaster shots. He killed two of the troopers right away, but the other two were harder to kill. Liz stepped in.

She dodged their blaster shots, which never hit anything, with ease. Liz kicked the stormtroopers blaster and kicked him in the stomach. He flew back with a bit more force than what Liz imagined. Liz turned to the other trooper and shot him straight in the head.

"You know," Ezra called her attenion. Now she seriously panicked, "for someone who doesn't know how to defend themselves, you do a pretty descent job on trying to."

"Haha, thanks," Liz scratched her head. She dropped the blaster on the floor and went to pick up the basket she was carrying with fruit.

Liz and Ezra walked to the base in silence. Liz was blowing her cover, that wasn't a good sign for her. She had to wrap up the job tomorrow. Liz didn't feel like it. She has grown on these people. Their smiles bring her hope and joy.


The next day Liz decided to finish the job. She contacted Azmorigan, telling him she was going to bring Ezra that night. Since it was already dawn, it was going to be fast.

"I'll be waiting," Azmorigan said. Liz ended the call.

She was hiding in a empty room that was going to turn into who knows what. But, what Liz didn't know is that Lexi's droid, Pep, was watching her. While Pep was spying on her, Lexi's other droid, Ara, was getting Lexi.

"Wait, I forgot to ask him where he will be," Liz whispered. She contacted Azmorigan again.

When Liz was about to end the transmission, Lexi busted through the door. Liz immediately turned it off and flung around to face her. Lexi's face was indescribable. The only word that might work is: disgusted. Liz lunged at her. Lexi moved out of the way just in time. They began it fight.

"You disgraceful person," Lexi yelled at her. Lexi moved Liz's hands out of the way and punched her right on the stomach. Liz lost a bit of air but kept fighting.

"You're wrong," Liz yelled back. Liz kicked Lexi's leg and she fell to the ground. Liz hovered over her and punched her on the nose. "I'm a disgraceful bitch."

Lexi tossed Liz over head, making her leave the room. They went on fighting down the corridors of the base. Spectres were watching from the side lines, a few ran away from them, others stayed and watched what was happening.

Not every kick punch were ducked or stopped by hand, a few were able to escape their grasp. Once they got to the main room, Lexi grabbed Liz's fist and twisted it behind her back. Forcing Liz to bend down in pain.

"When were you going to take down Ezra, huh?" Lexi took a short pause. She was pissed, she started to yell so the base could hear. "When were going to turn him in to Azmorigan?"

Liz couldn't bare the pain. For someone who is shorter than her, it surprised Liz. But, 2 inches isn't much. Liz's wrist was in between her shoulder blades, she screamed in pain for a second. Liz and Lexi soon saw themselves in the air and then Force pushed to the wall behind them.

"What's going on?" Ezra demanded an answer. Lexi's nose was bleeding from earlier and Liz had a black eye.

"Just some miss understand Ezra," Liz innocently replied.

"Are you kidding me?" Lexi shouted. "Ezra, she's a bounty hunter. She was going to turn you in to Azmorigan!"

Ezra let down Liz and Lexi, but held them in place.

"I know she's a bounty hunter."

*Ending of flashback*

~Okay, so one or two more chapters left. Not sure how long the next one will be since it's about to end. And yes, I know I said this like twice already. Also, I know I am talking about this a lot but I just have to, did Ezra get buff in season three? Look at his arms, he has a bit of muscle right there.

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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