America's Birthday (OLD STORY)

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((Happy late bday to my baby!!! He was my first hetalia character I learned about, and my favorite! I love youuuuu child 😘))

*America's POV*

America walked down the hallway of the meeting room. "It's my birthday!! July 4th!! Can't wait for presents, cake, balloons!... I hope England isn't too pouty today... It's gonna be a great day!" He opened the door to the meeting room, smiling widely. "HEY DUDES!!! Guess who's here?" He winked at Germany, who gave him a stern look.

"Sit down, you're ten minutes late." America snorted and rolled his eyes. He sat down in between Japan and France, who was seated next to England. "Hey dude, what's up? Got anything for me?", he whispered to France, nudging him and winking. France squinted at him. "Do you need eye drops?" America giggled and turned to Japan. "Hey hey! Keeks!! Guess what day it is!"

Japan sighed and glanced at the enthusiastic nation. "Monday." America smirked, fixing his gaze on Germany. "Yup, they're pretending they forgot. Then they're going to throw a big surprise party during or after the lunch break!" He pulled some papers out of his bag (along with a burger) and listened as Germany rambled on about oil prices and production.

About thirty minutes later, Germany cleared his throat. "Okay, time for lunch break. You've got exactly thirty-five minutes! I vant you all back in this room right on time." At that, he exited the room. America squealed quietly. IT WAS ALMOST PARTY TIME!!!

He pranced over to England, leaning against him. Ol' Iggybrows would definitely give something away about the party! "Hey Britain dude!"

"'Ello America. Do you want something?"

America but his lip, trying to contain his excitement. "Hey, tell me about your lunch break plans," he whispered. England raised an enormous eyebrow. "Are you bloody hitting on me?", he hissed. "Did France put you up to this?" The American cackled in laughter. "Nah dude!! I just wanna know about what you're doing for lunch," he asked, throwing a wink in at the end.

England curled his lip. "I'm going to the pub. Now bugger off." He shoved America away, and walked out of the room with France right behind him. America huffed and crossed his arms. "Man, even Iggy won't give anything away..." He stomped off to his car, slightly annoyed. He decided the best decision was to just eat a burger (or ten) in the car, instead of driving off and possibly getting to his partayyyyy late.

Once he had finished his thirtieth burger, he checked his watch. "Oh, crap!", he mumbled through a mouthful of soggy fries. He only had two minutes to dash through the halls to the meeting (aka, his b-day bash).

He hurried down the hallways of the building (trying not to puke up his burgers). Once he got to the doors, he jumped excitedly in the air, before opening the doors with a big smile on his face. "I'M HERE!! READY TO... Uh..." He looked around the meeting room, his smile fading slightly. The room looked exactly the same. No decorations, no cake, no presents. Just the other countries sitting around the table.

Germany glared at America. "That vas loud... At least you're on time. Sit down." America slowly sat down, confused. "Why is nobody throwing a party for me?..." Wait a minute... They were probably going to give him a huge present and party afterwards!! He leaned over to France. "Hey, uh, France? Remember what you got me for my birthday that one time?" France huffed. "You mean zhe champagne?"


  "Um... Well.. Do you mean zhe, ahem, 'toy?'"


  France was silent for a moment before smirking. "Do you use it?" America felt his face turn red. "Yes! I mean, NO!" He glanced around to make sure he wasn't being too loud. "What I meant was Lady Liberty!" France nodded. "Ohhh. Oui, I remember." The American scooted closer to him and dropped his voice even quieter. "Got anything like that today?..."

  The Frenchman raised an eyebrow. "Non, why?" America frowned slightly. "It's my birthday!", he hissed. France stared blankly before snickering. "No it's not! Zhat was on June 4th." At that, he turned back to his paperwork. America's jaw dropped, and he turned to Japan. "Dude, when's my birthday?!" Japan hushed him. "America-san, please stop yelling... Don't you know when your own birthday is?"

America frowned. "Yeah, well, duh I know! But France didn't so I want to make sure I'm not in some weirdo birthday paradox..."

"...You watch too many movies."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's besides the point! When's my special day?" Japan sighed. "June fourth." America gasped loudly and jumped out of his chair. "NOOOOOO!", he screeched. Germany glared up at him. "Did you drop your burger again? Please, for the love of God, clean it up this time." America shook his head. "I didn't drop it this time! Everybody forgot my birthday!!"

  England snorted. "I know your birthday. Hard to forget on June 4th that you left my house." America gestured widely at the Englishman. "See?! My birthday is July 4th!! JULY!! Today!" Germany snorted. "Ve celebrated your birthday last month. Are you really trying to get more presents?"

  America narrowed his eyes, and childishly stomped his foot on the ground. "NO! We didn't celebrate my birthday! My birthday is July 4th!!! TODAY!!" By now, he was screeching wildly and waving his arms around. Italy jumped up and put a hand on America's shoulder. "America, calm down!...", he said in a whimper. America huffed and crossed his arms, staring down at the ground.

  England got up too, staring at the nation with concern in his eyes. "Um... Here America. Let's go into the break room and talk, okay?" America sniffled and nodded. "K."

  England led America into the other room, with France and Canada- wait, when did he get here -right beside him. The footsteps of the other countries followed directly behind. "Nosy jerks...", America thought grumpily. He sighed. "I'm not going crazy, right?... Yeah, July 4th is my birthday. It's a day for cake and hotdogs and fireworks and the red white and blue!..."

  The Englishman gave a glance at his younger brother, patted him on the shoulder, and opened the door to the break room. America gasped loudly. Balloons and streamers decorated the room. A large pile of presents was in the corner. A huge, brightly colored cake sat in the middle of a large table. "Happy birthday, stupid git," England muttered.

  America whipped around to stare at the other nations. "Wh- I thought- uh... You guys are assholes!!" The other nations snickered. Japan bowed his head and raised a hand. "I helped plan." Russia smiled widely. "It was my idea. I win!"

  The America huffed, before turning around and walking into the room. "Well... I'm glad I'm not crazy! Or in a birthday paradox!" France put a hand on America's shoulder. "Er, you really do watch too many movies, Amérique." America shrugged.

  "Oh well! So, let's cut this cake and PARTY!" Everybody laughed, and the party began.

((That was weird lol, well... Remember to vote, comment, and follow!! 🎆🇺🇸))

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