America and Football (OLD STORY)

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*America's POV*

  America set a bowl of chips on the table, excitement fizzing inside of him. "Super bowl!!!!", he thought, squealing out loud at the very idea. His butler, Peter, sighed. "America... You get way too excited about this stuff." America jumped into the air. "But it's THE SUPER BOWL!! It's my most favoritist holiday of all time!" Peter simply rolled his eyes and snorted. "Plus, this one is extra special!! All my friends are coming!"

  Peter shook his head. "I'm pretty sure half of them think you meant soccer." America shrugged. "Oh well! They'll like this better!" Peter sat down, grabbing a chip from the bowl. "The whole 'party' is just going to be England grumbling about how it's rugby, and the rest of them complaining about how fútbol is better." America sat down next to him. "Yeah, but... I still like seeing them. Like, dude, half of them are practically family! Plus, it's cool to spread this amazing sport to other cultures." Peter shook his head again and popped the chip into his mouth.

  "America, don't forget", he said as he crunched on it, "call these 'crisps' around England." America scoffed. "No way, dude! I'm gonna call it whatever I want!" "....and maybe talk more like you actually went to school, or else that's the other thing he'll complain about." America simply laughed and turned on the T.V.

*two hours later*

  America smiled excitedly as the other countries chatted with each other, sitting on the couches. Italy was talking to Germany about how horrible America's pizza was, England was complaining about the "crisps", Canada... Well, he wasn't actually talking at all, France was eyeballing the cheerleaders on the screen and muttering to himself, and Japan and China were discussing America's... Er... "Game gear". Russia - well, he wasn't there. Despite all the negativity, America was happy to have his friends and family there.

  America sat back down between Japan and China, with black smudges of paint underneath each eye. He wore a half white - half blue jersey, and grey shorts. His face was pulled into a huge grin. "The game's about to start, dudes!!", he yelled, ripping a bowl of popcorn out of poor Tony the alien's hands. England sighed, holding a piece of grease soaked pizza. "I'm going to die of a heart attack," he muttered, and promptly stuck the pizza in his mouth. "This isn't even fútbol!!", Italy whined.

  America laughed. "Dude, my kind of football is GREAT!" The nations grumbled as America turned up the volume. The game began to begin, starting with the kickoff. America was leaning forward, almost to where he was about to fall off the couch. "GO GO GO GO!!", he screamed as the ball flew threw the air. China groaned beside him. "I'm going to go deaf if you do not SHUT UP." America glared at him and then shoved popcorn into his mouth.

  By the time the first quarter was over, crumbs were scattered around America, and he had inhaled nearly all the food. His eyes were wide and bright with excitement, and he was on the (literal) edge of his seat. England glanced at him curiously. "Why're you cheering for both teams? You've got to pick one, you know." America snorted, almost sucking up the popcorn in his hand. "They're both American, dude! I can't choose one!!" England rolled his eyes. "Well, I like the orange team."

  America rolled over to where England was sitting and gripped both of his shoulders. "THEY'RE CALLED THE BRONCOS, DUDE!!!", he screamed loudly, crumbs flying out of his mouth. England shrunk back, wiping at his face in disgust. "Say it, don't spray it, you fat git!", he spat angrily. Italy laughed in the background. "I like the black and gold team!" America shot a glare towards him. "I, a-mean, the Panthers!", he quickly spluttered. America smiled warmly at the pasta-loving nation. "Thanks for actually bothering to say the name, dude."

  America calmly walked back over to his spot on the couch and sat down. Japan was staring at the screen, a strange look on his face. "Somethin' wrong, DJ?", America asked him. Japan glanced at him. "Er, do not call me that. That is weird. And no, nothing is wrong, this is just... Confusing." America shrugged. "Eh, you'll figure it out. But to sum it all up: Kick ball, run with ball, hurt each other, make a touchdown, WIN!!" Japan tilted his head. "Makes a little more sense now." England rolled his eyes. "It's like rugby for babies."

America decided to ignore that comment, and grabbed another piece of pizza as the second quarter started up. As the kickoff started, he jumped up into the air. "WOOOOOP WOOOOOO YEAAAAAAA WOOP WOOP!!" The countries groaned, preparing for the next round of screaming.

*at the end of the game*

*England's POV*

America sighed, smiling. "What a great game!", he said happily. Japan slowly shook his head. "Still confused..." America giggled slightly, standing up and brushing the crumbs off of him, then sitting back down. France stood up, stretching. "What a great sport," he sighed, looking at the tv longingly. England scoffed. "You only liked the women." France lifted a finger and waved it at him. "And the men." England grunted, shaking his head. Italy clung onto Germany. "We should a-play that game one day!!"

Germany shook his head. "How about NO." Italy sighed. "Oh well, we can always play fútbol." China huffed. "So, America, now what?", he asked, looking disgruntled. He was greeted by silence. The countries turned towards the couch, where America lay sprawled out, snoring softly. England sighed, chuckling slightly. Japan grabbed the crumb coated blanket, brushed the crumbs off, and ever so gently laid it on top of the sleeping nation. Peter walked into the room, and began cleaning up. He smiled at them. "Have a nice night, guys. See you next football season."

  England shook his head. "Oh, no, I don't think I'll be coming to any more of these... 'Game day parties.'" Peter snickered a bit. "Well, I'm pretty sure that with him around", he jerked his thumb towards America, "you will be." England sighed, annoyed. He shot one more glance at the annoying nation who (for once) looked completely peaceful, before walking out the door.

((Meh, kinda boring, but oh well!! America loves his football! (: Remember to vote, comment, and leave suggestions!!))

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