chapter 5

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I woke up in the morning, and glanced over at Kris, who was also just waking up.

I glanced over beside me and saw a blue marker sitting on her floor. Instantly, I had an idea.

I picked it up and looked at Kris, grinning widely. She seemingly read my mind, because we ran into Andrews room.

She began drawing on Caden's face and when she had finished, I grabbed the marker from her.

I glanced over at Andrews shirtless self laying on top of the covers and I stared for a second. But, I snapped myself out of it and began drawing.

I leaned in close to Andrew, focusing as I drew a mustache, unibrow, and a goatee.

I held my mouth, trying not to laugh at how hilarious they looked.

Kris and I ran out of the room and down to the living room to watch tv.

Later, two angry boys with mustaches ran downstairs, glaring at us.

"Oh hey guys," I said, holding back my laughter.

"Rough morning?" Kris asked, and Caden started running towards her.

She got up and ran to the backyard laughing insanely.

I giggled slightly. Andrew walked into the bathroom and washed off his face. I assumed he was gonna let me off the hook so I simply walked into the front yard.

Suddenly though, the front door opened and I felt someone tackle me to the ground. Somehow though, he made sure I landed pretty gently.

"Ha gotcha," he mumbled laughing.

We both laughed, and suddenly we both stopped.

We were staring at each other, and he glanced down at my lips.

Suddenly, the automatic lawn sprinkler turned on and he jumped off of me, avoiding my gaze.

"Um, we should probably get ready to go to the baseball field," he mumbled.

"Yeah..." I said, standing up and walking towards the door.

Why are things so awkward all of a sudden, I wondered.

He walked to his room and I walked to Kris's, putting a tank top and jean shorts along with my chucks.

I walked out of Kris's room as Andrew walked out of his.

We smiled at each other and both walked down to the backyard.

We glanced out the backdoor and Kris and Caden stood kissing.

"Told you," he muttered, and I laughed.

I opened the door, and started cheering as Andrew and I laughed. They pulled apart and began blushing.

I smirked at Andrew.

After we were all ready, we all began towards the baseball field.

When we arrived, Danny glanced towards me and I smiled.

He gave a small nod back and smiled that smile that could melt me.

I sighed dreamily, and Kris elbowed me in the side. I gave her a confused look and she nodded towards Alan.

He had a kinda glossy look in his eyes and when I looked over he looked away and frowned at the ground.

"Let's play," Xavier muttered, and although I attempted to look somewhere besides at Danny, I kept finding my gaze going towards him.

Suddenly, the ball came towards Alan and he missed it. He always caught the ball. But it went right over his glove.

We all stared at him shocked, and he just frowned at the ground and grabbed the ball, throwing it back to Danny, who was batting. I gave him a worried glance and he just sighed and glanced back towards Danny.

Suddenly, Danny ran over to him, and I heard him say, "What's the deal bro? You never miss. What's going on?" He asked concernedly.

Alan just shrugged, but I saw his eyes flicker towards me for only a split second before he turned back towards Danny.

He only shrugged and walked towards the dugout. We all stared as he threw his glove on the ground and sat down, and when I looked at Kris, I saw her frown at me for a second before her expression became blank.

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