chapter 7

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I finally didn't feel like bursting into tears anymore, but I stayed hugging Andrew for a while longer.

I couldn't stop inhaling his scent. Finally, I composed myself and pulled away.

"It never stops hurting, does it?" I asked softly.


"Caring about someone so much and them not feeling the same way," I muttered, sighing.

"No, it never does," he said as I put my head on his shoulder.

We sat like that for a long time, but I knew if we didn't go out there soon, everyone would get suspicious.

"Let's go," I muttered, standing up.

He stood up as well and we began walking towards the dugout. Only Kris was in there, and everyone else was playing.

She instantly stood up and engulfed me in a hug, and I smiled, knowing she cared.

"Where were you guys?" Caden asked, walking towards us.

"Practicing pitching, we told you," I told him.

"Oh please, you didn't even bring a ball," he laughed.

Andrew glanced at me for a second, then turned back to Caden.

"We were just talking, that's all," he said shrugging.

I was surprised Andrew didn't tell Caden the truth, since he was his best friend on the team, but I was grateful, never the less.

I gave Andrew a small smile, which he returned.

Suddenly, everyone else on the team came towards us.

"It's soooo hot!" Xavier whined, "it's way too hot to play baseball."

"Then what will we do?" Andrew muttered.

"What about the pool?" Danny asked, shrugging.

We all agreed excitedly, and we all ran home to change.

I slipped on my favorite pink halter top bikini and put on Jean shorts and a tank top over it.

I sat on the seat by my window and glanced towards Kris's house.

To my surprise, Andrews window was right across from mine and he walked out of what looked like a bathroom shirtless. He had his swimsuit on and was looking for a t shirt to where.

Stop staring, you creep! I scolded myself, forcing me to turn away from him and focus on putting on my sandals.

After I was ready, I walked down stairs and opened my front door. I walked over to Kris's house, and knocked on the door.

Surprisingly, Andrew answered the door and he still didn't have his shirt on.

"Hey," he muttered when he saw me.

"H-hey," I stuttered, my eyes flickering towards his shirtless body before I forced myself to look up.

I looked at his face and he was blushing and avoiding my gaze. I laughed awkwardly.

"Where's Kris?" I asked him.

"She's in her room," he said, moving aside and allowing me to go in.

I walked up the stairs to Kris's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" She called.

I walked in and she was putting her shoes on, preparing to leave.

"What did you and Andrew talk about the other day at the baseball field?" She asked curiously.

"Nothing really. He just basically said that Danny was an idiot if he didn't see how great you are," I smiled slightly, remembering the way he comforted me.

"Man, he sure does like you a lot. I mean he used to never be home. He was always at a friends house, but now he's home constantly," she laughed slightly.

I sighed. "What does he see in me anyways? I just-I don't know. I just wish he would find himself a girl who was right for him," I muttered.

"I think he already has," she mumbled as she exited the room and I followed her.

I gave a questioning glance but before I could analyze it anymore, we got downstairs and Andrew was waiting for us.

We began walking towards the pool and all the other boys were already there.

The Summer of a Lifetime Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang