chapter 21

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"Why did you care so much that I liked her anyways?"

His words echoed through my mind.

Why did I care? I thought to myself as he stared at me. It almost seems like I- no no that's crazy. I don't like him! Do I? I don't.

"I don't know," I said in a defeated voice, kicking the dirt, it made me mad that I cared, I know I shouldn't, "I don't know why I cared," I sighed, biting my lip so hard I thought it might bleed and began to walk away, I could feel his gaze behind me but I didn't care. I walked to my house and laid down on my bed.

The next morning when I woke up, I didn't want to see a certain baseball player.

Then suddenly, my wish came true! I remembered that I had to buy a dress today.

I never thought I'd be so relieved to go dress shopping.

I walked to the window, seeing Kris and Andrew walking again.

I opened the window and reached my head out.

"Can't go today! I gotta go dress shopping!" I called to Kris specifically, not sparing Andrew a glance. I couldn't face him right now, I was embarrassed. And I was pissed off that he was the reason I'd made an idiot out of myself.

Does he know that I like him? I found myself thinking. Wait a minute! Did I just say I liked him?

I panicked for a second, trying to push these feelings from my mind, but it was no use.

I liked Andrew Monroe.

I smiled slightly and felt my cheeks heat up just thinking about it.

I suppose I always have.

I grinned as I grabbed my clothes for the day.

I simply picked up a light blue tank top and some athletic shorts and waited for everyone to get ready to leave.

I grabbed an apple for breakfast before we all piled into the car and began towards the mall.

The day was pretty slow and agonizing, and I finally settled on a light blue dress with a white flower belt.

I kind of liked it, even though dresses weren't exactly my thing. It made me feel like I was a princess or something.

As we were driving home, my mom turned around towards us.

"If any of you want to bring a few friends to the wedding, that's fine," she said smiling.

I nodded, and wondered if she'd mind if I invited everyone I played baseball with. I opted to just do it. After all, it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

When we got home, I grabbed my mitt and glanced at my mom.

"Going to play some ball!" I called, running outside.

Luckily, Alexia and Lucas were busy so it was just me today.

I sprinted all the way to the field, excitement running through me.

I finally got there and everyone walked to me, seeing me running.

"Guys!" I said excitedly, "my mom is having a wedding and she said I could invite a couple friends. It's on Friday and I want you all to come!"

Kris glanced around at the seven people standing there, then looked at me skeptically.

"Seven people is a few friends?" She asked with a laugh.

"Sure, it'll be alright," I shrugged, "and anyways, she forced me to wear a dress. She kinda owes me one." I grinned.

We played baseball for a while before we all began walking home.

"Hey, Ollie," Andrew said from beside me.

I looked at him and got lost in his eyes for a second, "Um h-hi," I say awkwardly, a little breathless from I'm not quite sure what.

Oh, how the tables have turned. I thought to myself, remembering back when I first met Andrew.

He smiled at me and I swear I melted a little.

We talked the whole way to my house, and he turned to me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Olivia" he said smirking, knowing I hated my name.

It was strange though. Now, when he said it, I loved it. The way he said it made me love the name that I never did like a bit. I would never tell him that though.

"It's Ollie!" I corrected, making him smirk more, "see you tomorrow," I smiled dreamily at him.

He smiled back and walked inside, and I couldn't help but think how cute the way he carried his mitt and walked inside was.

Jeez, I thought, is this how he used to feel when he talked to me?

The Summer of a Lifetime Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora