Chapter 20 (Admiration... Lust)

Start from the beginning

      "Such long time, but I'll have time to get ready," she announced and Kaylyn smiled, holding her hands as she moved in the direction of the kitchen, deciding to have breakfast after all.

She spent fifteen minutes eating, with Sapphire being the only one to talk. Her excitement about the baby was so contagious that even Kaylyn found herself quite ecstatic about the prospect of the baby. Sapphire spoke of what she would get when it 'arrived', speaking as if the baby was an order they had to wait for. She spoke of names, which Kaylyn and Matthew ignored, because the names of her favourite food and toys would not suit.

After breakfast, Matthew and Sapphire watched as Kaylyn exited the house. Matthew had decided not to argue with her today because he knew what he had planned.

      "Come on pumpkin. It's time to get you ready for school."


Jason sat in his office, just about ready to start work, when he heard a knock at his door. He figured it to be Kaylyn, and boy, was he eagerly expecting her arrival. He had waited days for this. Days to see her face and the day had come when he would revel from the long wait.

        "Come in," he said too eagerly, and when the door opened and he saw a beautiful face peek around, he smiled. "It's safe," he reassured, and watched as Kaylyn fully came into the office. He sighed upon seeing her, her presence like a breath of fresh air to him.

She looked very well rested and refreshed this morning, Jason realized, and that only seemed to add to her already striking beauty. He stood, moving around his table to greet her.

      "Welcome to Felix Enterprises," he announced with an outstretched hand.

She smiled and Jason couldn't help smiling too. "Thank you," she said, placing her hand in his. Jason held it firmly, the softness of her slender hand in his, like a massage to his palm.

He realized that he held her hands in his for longer that was necessary so he quickly pulled his apart, clearing his throat to prevent the impending awkwardness.

       "So, I'm guessing you passed a very neat and polished desk on the outside of this office," he stated and Kaylyn nodded.

     "Yes I did."

     "Well, from today onwards that desk belongs to you. I think you already know what your job entails and so I want you to perform to the best of your abilities and you will be rewarded," he smiled, before moving to his desk, although not wanting to because he was enthralled by sweet scent of her perfume and the peachy fragrance of her hair.

        "You may have a seat Miss Fisher," he announced, gesturing to the empty chair that was in front.

Kaylyn did so, placing her hands in her lap with a straight posture.

       "There are certain rules I expect my employees to follow while working for me. I believe in a free flowing business and there are somethings I want to be kept out of the working environment," he paused, leaning back in his chair.

      "There is to be no fraternization in the workplace, and as you know this is a place of business, and should be considered as such. No personal issues should get in the way of work," Jason pointed out in his most business like tone, and Kaylyn continued to listen as he spoke of the dont's.

She sat there listening for about twenty minutes, which she found quite exhausting. The man spoke so highly of his business that Kaylyn then knew why he was so successful. The pride he took in listing every single achievement was so evident that she had to smile.

      "...Yes so I think that's all. Are we clear?" he asked with the cocking of a brow and Kaylyn nodded her head in understanding.

     "Yes sir," she smiled and he too smiled, as he got up from around his chair.

       "I believe we will develop a good working relationship here at Felix Enterprises," he exclaimed confidently, stretching forth his hand for another handshake, although his aim was not to seal the agreement, but instead, he did it so he could once again feel the slender softness of Kaylyn's hands.

      "You may return to your desk. I have some work I'd like you to do. It's not much, so don't worry," he reassured her, in regards to her pregnancy.

      "I think I'll be able to manage any amount you hand me," she told him truthfully, not wanting to be excused or treated differently because of her current state.

      "I like that," he nodded his head in approval as he stared unblinkingly at Kaylyn.

Kaylyn suddenly cleared her throat when she thought it to be too awkward for him to be staring at her in such a manner.

      'Well, I better get working," she smiled once more before she exited the room.

Jason watched every single movement of her body, until the door closed, preventing his devouring eyes from seeing more. He smiled contentedly and then moved around his desk, where he plopped down in his seat, with his hand behind his head. He felt like a lucky man at the moment, because the face he had fallen in admiration for, and the body, he had fallen in lust with, was to be the pleasure for his eyes to feast upon every day.

Jason wondered how Matthew had managed to leave the beauty out of his sight for one second. If it were him, he'd have her at his house...never leaving his side. Her physical appearance was not the only beautiful thing she possessed, but Jason could see from her smile, that it was the window to an even more beautiful soul.

Matthew was clearly not a family man, Jason thought. He would probably live up to his responsibility by providing for the woman and child financially, but that was all. It had still come as a shock to Jason upon finding that Matthew Mayhew, his friend his engaged friend was to be the father of kaylyn's unborn child.

Jason couldn't help feeling a spark of envy trickle down his body. He had often thought about what it would be like if it were his child resting in the comfort of a goddess's body. He had often thought about many things that some would consider too sinful, but he realized that it probably wasn't too late for him.

If Matthew didn't want to face up to his responsibilities, he'd be the man for the job. A grin broke Jason's face as he thought of the prospect.



Thanks for reading guys!! Jason has some things planned, hmm, I wonder what!!
Boy, a lot is going to happen soon:
Dinner aka engagement party
Kaylyn's parents
Jason's advances

Stick around to find out guys!
Shout out to my amazing sister whose always supporting me! Love ya honey!

Anyway, Laters baby...

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