Chapter 17 - Snooping

Start from the beginning

"What clothes will I have to wear tomorrow night?" Lissa asked, "Um, I'll text mum and ask." 

Not that I wanted to text her bit it was a good question, I had to go buy more clothes anyway. 

To Mum: dress code for the party? 

She must have been on her phone because she replied almost instantly. 

From Mum: smart and neat, no ugly tank tops please. if you are bringing a girl, which you shouldn't be, pretty dress that doesn't look like it's meant for a hooker xx 

She really was lovely, honestly.

“Got any nice dresses?” I looked at her, “Yeah, a few, but I don’t know, I think I might go shopping.”

“I need to go shopping, all the nice clothes I owned gets ruined if I go out after a thing with families.”

She laughed, “Trust you to do that.”

We reached her dorm room and Lissa hesitantly opened the door, not sure whether Isabel was going to be there or not.

“All good.” She stepped inside and I followed her in, closing the door behind me.

Isabel’s bed was still all messy and unmade, she had made no effort to clean it up. I was biased to Lissa in this situation because of obvious reasons, so my opinions were twisted.

Lissa grabbed a duffel bag and shoved various bits of clothing into it.

“Oh, what about this?” I asked, picking up a thong from her drawer and winking. She just gave me a death stare, before shoving it into the bag.

“Got any sex toys, or anything in here that I should know about? In case I accidently find one, I mean.” I said as I shoved my hands into her underwear drawer and moved my hands around through it. “Why would I need that if I have you?”

“Before me?” she shrugged, “There are other people out there…”

I didn't press the issue any further. “What about dresses?”

“Don’t go in that cupboard.” She looked up at me seriously, “Why? Oh, I get it, that’s where you stash the dildos.” She just laughed and shook her head, “No, its so messy, if its opened everything will fall out. Plus I want to buy a dress, screw using an old one, lets really make your parents think I'm rich.”

I nodded my head and laid down on her bed, she turned around to put more stuff in, and looked at me, I shifted positions so I was in that classic sexual inviting pose that is always mocked on television. She let out a laugh and shook her head, “You really are a special one, you know that?”

“Well, I would use a better describing word, like sexy, a sex God, hot, gorgeous, along the lines of that.”

She walked off into the bathroom without a comment, “Just don’t want to admit it.” I mused, as she walked back out, carrying a few things and dumping them into her bag. She zipped it up and looked at me, “I would label you the cocky, awkward, weird, strange, good looking boy.”

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