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A/N: I heard this song as I was writing, and I loved it, so I thought I would share it.

"Hey..." Dean knocked. Today was the day. He was leaving the mental hospital, and I was going to be alone. I'm not ready to face everyone after he leaves.

"Hey.. I'm going to miss you so much." I said, tears stinging my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you more." He said, pulling me in. I lost it, tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Who knew that I would miss you this much, it'll only be a month or two, right?" I laughed, and he chuckled.

"As long as it takes you to get better, babe." He said, hugging me closer. He really was gonna miss me. What are we gonna do when he goes away for college soon?

"I am better." I whispered.

"Yeah, but are you at your best?" I thought hard about it. Was I? I wasn't sad anymore, but I wasn't super happy, and there were times that I still wanted to scream and shout and just get rid of all my emotions.

"No. I'll think I'll be here for a little while longer." I said. "I love you."

"I love you too, which is why I want you to get better. That will make me very happy." He said, hugging me again.

"Dean?" Erica came in. "There you are, we've been looking all over for you, its time to go!" She said, smiling. Her bubbly personality bothering me at the moment.

Dean looked at me. I looked away, if I meet his eye I know I'll cry. "Look at me." Dean whispered, forcing me to look at him, by pulling up my chin. "I love you, you'll be fine I promise, and they'll take great care of you."

"I love you too. I know, I'll miss you." I said, tears slipping down my eyes. I still can't believe he's leaving me this soon. I'm not sure I'm ready. He kissed my forehead, and gave me a hug. It was tight and promising that he'll always be here in my heart. "You're my one and only." He whispered.


"DANCE PARTY TONIGHT!!!!!" Jenny came running in my room.

"I'm not in the mood." I said, stuffing my face farther into the pillow.

"Its been 2 weeks, come on. You can't hide forever. You've closed off to Ms.Dani, and you rarely leave this room!" Ms. Dani, the newer therapist, who started about 3 months ago, she was different.

"Hmm. I'm good, me and my pillow are going to dance." I muttered.

"But I have a surprise." She smiled.

"No thanks."

"I never curse, but get your damn ass up, clean yourself up, and get the fuck out here." Jenny said, her playful side gone. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish, she had never talked like this to anyone of my knowing.

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