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"Hey dad.." I muttered, Dean pulling away from me, trying not to make it to noticeable.

"Hey, don't even bother moving from here, I can see that you two were on the way to sex." My jaw dropped open. Then I noticed something that I didn't see earlier. His eyes were blood shot, he took a drug of some sort.

"Dad, your high, what happened?"

"Nothing shut up you, you hoe!" He shouted at me. I bit my lip, a nervous habit, I have a scar to prove.

"Dad, stop, you need to go home."

"No! Not well my daughter is getting slutty at the hospital! I can't believe you would lie to me! You and this asshat are here fucking around behind our backs! How dare you tell me to stop, I'm your father and you will listen to me!" I bit harder, trying not to cry. His words hurt worst than Dean's parents, and the fact he was high didn't help in the least.

"Mom told me you weren't addicted to drugs anymore.. Why are you doing this to yourself, it isn't healthy and you know that." I said, tears begging to be let loose. I thought at a mental hospital you were suppose to get better. I've had a roller coaster ride here.

"You mom doesn't know shit!" He roared. "I can't believe she told you lies on me." He put his head in his arms, covering his face. And for the first time I watched as my dad broke down, and it slowly broke me. I let the tears slip down my face. Dean looked at me, he kissed my forehead, and left. He was leaving in two days anyway, so he had to start packing. He wasn't sure where he would go, but he refused help from my family, and refused help from the hospital, and didn't want to go to the homeless shelter, where he would go, I have no idea.

"Dad.... I'm calling mom." I sniffled. I can't believe he came here like this.

"Call the bitch, I don't give a shit, she won't come here for me!" He yelled again. I left the room, wiping tears, I walked up to Erica. She jumped when I tapped her. She Immediately went into nurse mode.

"Do we need Dani? She can be here soon, and we can call anyone? Why are you crying? Do you need someone to talk to? Dean's in the arts room with Henry right now.." Erica rambled.

"I want to call my mom, 000-000-000." I said, wiping more tears, I hadn't seen my mom in about 6 months. Dean had been here 8 months, and I'd been here 6. Its crazy how time flies when you're having fun I suppose. If you would even want to call it fun.

"Okay, here you go sweetie."

"Hi mom." I nearly cried again at the sound of her voice.

"Hi baby." She answered me. Her voice held sadness. She knew what happened already.

"Mom, he's here." I heard a gasp from the other line, she didn't know that much.

"W-w-what do you mean!?!"

"Dad. Is. Here. At my hospital."

"I'll be there in 10, Jason is coming too. He misses you." A small smile made it to my face, he misses me.


"Hey Jess!" I heard Jace say behind me. I turned around so fast, and jumped into his arms.

"JASON!" I cried, happy tears streaming my face, I even felt a tear land on my shoulder.

"Hey big sister." I came out 5 minutes before him.

"Hey little bro." I hugged him tighter. I didn't realize just how much I missed him. He was always there for me. "How's your girlyyy friend?" I teased him. Finally letting him go, just to bring him back in for another small hug.

"She's amazing, and when you get out, I want you to meet her, I have a feeling you two will get along great." He laughed. "She's a very big teaser just like you." He groaned, but pulled me in again. "Damn I really missed you."

"I missed you too." I said, letting more tears fall. "OMG, I want you to meet my boyfriend!" I said, grabbing his hand.

"Hey babe," I said, knocking on the door. He opened it, and the first thing he saw was me and Jason's hands together, he looked up at our faces, confusion evident. "Dean," I rolled my eyes, "This is my TWIN BROTHER, Jason, or Jace." He made a 'o' shape with his mouth, he chuckled, knowing I saw him.

"Hey man." Jason gave him a smile, holding out his hand. Dean took it, returning the smile.


"I might be younger, and weaker than you, but you better not break her heart or touch my sister wrongly, or you'll answer to me." I blushed, he might be younger but he was a fighter.

"Ignore him." I told Dean.

"I won't little buddy, I love your sister." He smiled, a loving look in his eyes, when he saw the blush. I saw my brother physically relax, he could see Dean was a good guy.

"I'm gonna go see mom, Jase wanna stay, and Dean do you care?" Jase nodded, and Dean said he didn't care. So I left them to it, and pretty much ran to my mom.

"MOMMY!" I cried. I held onto her like I would never hug her again. "I've missed you so much, you have no idea!"

"I knoww! And I'm sorry about all the times I sucked at being a mom, I thought it was for the best, but I didn't know you were hurting, and goddamn, just know I'm sorry and that I love you."

"Its okay mom, I know. I haven't been the best daughter ever! Its our first time for both things, so who cares, we live and we forget! I love you too!" We both couldn't wipe the smiles off each others faces. Happiness bubbled in me as I told my mom about everything Dean's done with/for me. He's honestly the best. Some time later Dean came with Jace, they seemed to like each other, which is very good, and I introduced my mom to Dean. She loved him too. This was all looking good. Now we just had to figure out dad, and my life would be set. I could finally be happy. And hopefully no more stupid shit would happen.

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