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"Good morning!" My mom shouted, coming into the room. Dean fell off the bed, and I fell on top of him. We must have fallen asleep. "Well, who had fun last night?"

"No one." I glared at my mom. This wasn't happening was it?

"Mrs. White- Emily, I can explain.." My mom glanced at my shirt, the tears stains were there, she put up her finger.

"I don't want to know. I trust my daughter enough for that. If you two are a thing, she would tell me." We nodded. "Breakfast is ready. Should I arrange you two a room together?" She laughed, and left. I knew she wasn't ever going to leave us alone about this again.


At school, I made my way to my locker after taking Alice to school and Dean left to find his crew. Jackie was already waiting at my locker. A angry look on her face.

"What the hell were you doing with Dean!?!? He's a bad boy, getting high off his ass, or getting drunk till he passes out!"

"Nun of you bee's wax, and so, that has nothing to do with anything." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.  She gave me the finger and we both went to class.


Ah math, what a joy. The stupid teacher moved seats, and put me beside Gabe, one of Dean's friends. I didn't know him well, but he was around Dean a lot. Seemingly Dean's best friend.

"Hey cutie." Gabe said. I ignored him, and attempted to pay attention to Mr. Ham, our math teacher.
"Don't ignore me baby..." I looked at him, he gave me a puppy dog look.

"I don't have time for this shit. Leave me the hell alone." I snapped.

"Damn baby, put the claws away. How did Austin put up with that?" I closed my eyes.

"You don't know when to stop, do you? Austin, didn't have to put up with it, because he KNEW when to STOP. Unlike you. I don't know how your "girlfriends"/whores put up with YOU." I said, then I raised my hand to get a bathroom pass.

I arrived in the bathroom and I washed my face with cold water, glad I didn't wear any makeup today. Austin loved me, right? He didn't just "put up with me" did he? He wouldn't, if he wasn't happy he left. When we fought, he always just walked away till he was calm and ready to talk it through. I felt the panic start to run throughout my entire body. I couldn't breath. I grabbed onto the wall, I felt the tears sting my eyes, and the walls started closing in on me. I wanted to scream but it wouldn't come out. I slid down the wall, and sat on the nasty bathroom floor. I heard a knock on the door. I tired to get a noise out, but it didn't work. I saw flashes of the car crash. Everything coming at me at once. A scream finally escaped my lips. That was enough for the person to come into the bathroom.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey." It was Dean. Tears kept coming, and the flashes of screams entered my mind, making me feel more panicked. I held onto Dean like the world depended on it. Dean hugged me, letting me hold onto him, he whispered things to try and and calm me down. So far, it worked a little. I started catching my breathe.

"D-D-Dean.." I whispered.

"What happened, Jessica?"

"G-Gabe, he ran h-his mouth." A scowl ran to Dean's mouth.

"What did he say?"

"He was saying how did Austin put up with me." Tears were close to spilling over again.

"I'll kill him." Dean said seeming pretty pissed.

"No!" My eyes almost popped out of my head. "You can't. I know I shouldn't defend him, but you can't hurt him, you can't get trouble. I need you to stay out of trouble."

"Only for you. If he hurts you again, you tell me, me and him will have a talk."

I nodded, "What time is it?"

"Second period, I was on my way, when I heard the tears of a girl, I didn't know it was you."

"Oh." I said, starting to get up. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to get up, but I really had no choice. I let out a long sigh.

"Jess, you sure your okay?"

"Yep, I'm fine." I slightly nodded. "Thanks for you help. I'm not sure many people would wanna help me. After all, I'm not longer than happy popular girl who sings all the time."

"You should sing for me some time." He had a small smile on his face. He was no longer that jerk I met at therapy. He was a friend. A friend who helped even when he couldn't help himself.

"Maybe. Now let's go to class before we get in more trouble."


Class had already started, and my worst fear was answered when I walked into class without a late pass, already sitting down, he spoke.

"Ah, how lovely for you to join our glass Jessica."


"Why were you late? Had better things to do than attend my class?"

"N-N-No sir." I tired to swallow the panic. I hated my science teacher.

"Why did you miss the first 10 minutes of my class, to busy sucking on things?"


He looked taken aback, and shocked. As did the class. I slowly stood up. "I'll be going now." I walked out of class, putting in my headphones and first song that came on was 'Never forget you' by Zara Larsson. It made me think of Austin, but I ignored it and kept walking.

I'm still in love with you Austin. And I miss you more and more everyday. But I will find happiness, and I will make you proud.

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