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"Heyyyy." Dean came in to my room, there was a wild look in his eyes.

"Hey babe." I said, "What's up?"

"I wanna take you to lunch!"

"Okay, let's do it? When do you wanna go?"

"Um, is now okay?"

"Yeah." I laughed at him, and grabbed my coat, phone, and purse.

"So, where would my beautiful girlfriend want to go to lunch?"

"Hmm, how about the cafe down the street?"

"Sounds wonderful!"


"You're leaving me?" I ask, happy for him, but also sad that he's leaving.

"Yep, I get out in a week, I'm so happy. I'll finally be able to see Alice, and start a life for us, hopefully you'll be part of it?"

"OF COURSE!" I practically shout. "I'll be in your life as long as you will allow it."

"Good." He said, jumping up and kissing me. "And now's a good time to say, I'm older than you, I'm 18, 19 on September 8th." I formed an 'o' shape with my mouth. I didn't think he was that much older than me, 2 year maybe.

"You realize that's only two years. I'll be 17 in about a month. July 3rd."


"Yea..." I trailed off. We never talked about birthdays really.

"That's fine then, I'm so happy." He said, kissing me, square on the lips.

"God, I'm so in love with you." I whispered to him.

"Not near as much as I'm in love with you."



"Hey Jacob." I smiled as I answered the phone.

"Hey baby cheeks, Dean's getting out in a week, do you know when Jessica is getting out?" My smile slightly decreases.

"No. Is that all you called to talk about?"

"No. I'm sorry, I miss you, what are you doing right now?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Wanna go out to lunch? 10 minutes?" There was something in his voice that said he was lying.

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