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Its Monday. And to say I'm feeling dead, would be an understatement. I did not want to go to the therapist, or school. I have to manage to not cry all day today, and I don't know if I can honestly handle that.

"Hurry up or we're going to be late Jess! Have you even gotten up!?!?" Jase yelled through the door. I jumped up, had already taken a long shower last night, luckily. I threw on some blue skinny jeans, and a cute blue top. I applied light makeup, and grabbed all my school things, running out the door with dark blue converse on.

"You forgot one think, didn't you?" I checked for everything. FUCK. I forgot my phone. I smiled at him.

"I forgot my phone." He handed it to me. I gave him a grateful smile and checked my notifications. I missed that good morning text more than anything. I looked down and frowned. I felt my heart break all over again.

"Jess. Its been a while now, don't you think you should try moving on? Making yourself happy again? You know that's what he'd want.." Jase spoke softly.

Anger bubbled in me. "BUT IS THAT WHAT I WANT? NO. What I want can't be brought back!" I screamed. Tears threatening to fall down my checks. No one in the world seemed to care what I wanted. They didn't realize that Austin was the one I was in love with. The one who cared about me and I equally cared back.  "Jase. Stop the car. I wanna walk." Jase stopped, knowing that if he didn't I would jump out.

I got out of the car, and I walked to the gym, saying fuck school. Another thing no one knew about me other than Austin is that I loved fighting. I know there's those few sexist pigs out there saying, 'girls can't fight.' Well bitch think again, I'm one of the best fights in the entire United States of America. I finally arrived at the gym. There was tons of meat heads, but I walked right in, signing in, and coming to the punching bag after changing into gym clothes and putting my stuff in my locker. A meat head looked at me and said "Ayo, sweet cheeks, wrong part of the gym."

"Ayo, bitch cheeks, I'm in the right part, considering I could take you down." I said with a smile.

"No you couldn't hunny."

"Then lets go." I snarled.

"I can't hit a girl." 


He turned around, and so did I. Knowing he would try a sneak attack, I waited for the feeling of the vibrations of him walking, when he got close enough to hit me, I moved and he had so much force coming to me, he hit the wall. My eyes grew wide for a moment, but then I made it back the blank slate face. He was bleeding, he gave me a look of death. I still wasn't scared. He has muscles, but he's like a body builder, there's no way he could take me down. He stood up, and as he did, I sent a knee to his nose. I heard a crack. This was way more fun than a punching bag.

"Should I knock you out, or are ready to admit that you were a sexist pig, and that a girl just beat the shit out of you."

"I wasn't a sexist pig, and you'll be knocked out before you know it sweet cheeks." He winked and nodded to behind me. I stuck my leg in a position that didn't look noticeable. They didn't notice, because they fell to the ground. Then I started to fight 2 more meat head guys.

"JESSICA WHITE." A loud voice screamed out. Oh shit. 

"Hi dad." I didn't know he worked out here. Fuckle. 


"Um. Self defense from assholes?"


"Years of training?"


"Austin?" Everything sounded like I was unsure of myself, and to be honest, I didn't think anyone other than Austin would find out about this.


"Jase is at school, I skipped to come here because Jase can't keep his big fat mouth closed." That I can confirm.


I quickly ran out of the room, changing and showering as fast as possible. I've already missed math and science. When I get there I will have missed chemistry, and will have to go to history. I like history so it won't be that bad. And I'll have to go to therapy later tonight. Sigh. I wish I could fire her. 

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