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"Good morning Erica." I smiled at her. It had been about a week here.

"Good morning Jessica." She gave me a big smile. "How are you this lovely morning?" Erica has very bad anxiety, but yet she over came it, and started working here. She use to be in my room before she got much better and was able to work. Everyone who works here, use to be in the hospital. Everyone has there own unique stories. They're all so strong.

"I'm pretty good, thanks for asking." I gave her a small smile. "Do you know if I can have visitors?"

I miss Jackie, its been to long.

"Yeah, 1 a day tho."

"That's fine, could one come today, around 3oclock?" She checked her phone.

"Yeah sounds good, wanna call them?"

"Yes please." She helped me up, and we walked to the front desk. I typed in Jackie's number, and she picked up on the second ring.

"Who the hell is this?" Her voice, sounding sleepy asked.

"Jessica, did I wake you?"

"Yes you bitch. What can I do for you at 8 in the morning!?!?" I could hear the sarcasim dripping in her voice.

"I'm in a mental hospital, and I was wondering if you wanted to come visit? We could chill?"

"Uh.. Sure, what time? What address?" So I gave her the information, before thanking Erica, and going to see Dean.

I knocked on the door, Dean opened it. His shirt was off, and to say I wasn't like a dog looking at meat, would be a lie. Damn he was fine. Like I knew he was hot, with his face, but then seeing his body, holy shitttttt.

"Close your mouth before flies come in." Dean smirked at me. Not only was his smirk hot, so was his body, did I mention that? He picked me up, into a hug.

"Um, uh, yeah." I shook my head, trying to get rid of the clouding thoughts.

"I like your body more than mine tho." He said, sticking his head in the crook of my neck. "How are you love?" The way he said love, made my heart skip a beat. Love?

"I'm good, what about you handsome?" I said, breathing in the scent of him. Sweet minty.

"I'm amazing, thanks to this guy. He's so hot, hotter than you!" Confusion passed through his eyes, as he dropped me onto his bed.

"What?" His anger getting the best of me, I gave him a playful look.

"Wanna know this amazing guys name? Because he's actually perfect!" I giggled again.

"UH DUH!?" He shouted at me.

"His name is.." I bit my lip. "My boyfriend!" I almost fell on the floor laughing at him. His face was in this weird expression, between happiness, confusion, and so all he could really do is laugh at me falling on the floor.

Even Broken People Need LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora