Not The Same (Ch.2)

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Ok. Second chapter, lets hope its good.
And I'm so amazed at the edit I did. Not as bad as I thought it would be cx
The four turtles started the night like any other. Patrol. Watching over the city and finding any trouble they can take care of.

However, the four brothers felt drained of energy. Michaelangelo, the youngest of the turtles was actually serious and gloomy.

Not a single star was shining, making the night much more lifeless. His eyes were dull as he stared in to the darkness and emptiness of the sky.

Donatello, the braniac of the group sat down next to his youngest brother and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. The purple masked brother couldn't think straight, which wasn't normal to him. The braniac always had ideas and solutions to problems, but now his mind was blank.

Leonardo stood on the edge of the building they were all currently standing on. His eyes glued to the streets, just waiting for something to come up. Nothing did though.

Raph's arms were crossed, his face obviously had an angry expression plastered on it.
"This is a waste of time," he mumbled bitterly, his breath visible in the cold air.

The leader turned to Raph, a stern look on his face.
"What was that?" He stared at his hothead brother who was glaring at the cement roof.
"This is stupid! Look at us Leo!" The angry turtle snapped, gesturing a hand towards his other two brothers sitting down with sad expressions.

Leonardo looked over at the two, then back at Raphael.
"We are miserable! Nothing is the same Leo! We can't live like this. Everything is over!" Raph shouted angrily.

"Raph, keep it down. You're gonna get us caugh-"
"I don't give a fuck anymore, don't you understand!" Tears lined the angry turtles eyes as he went on.

"Sensei doesn't like yelling Raph.." Mikeys little voice said. It was the first thing he's said since Splinters death.
Raph turned to Mikey, his angry expression still glued to his face.
"He's dead Mikey! Nothing matters anymore!"

Leonardo stomped his foot making the three brothers look in his direction.
"That's enough. Donnie, Mikey go back to the lair." Donatello nodded, getting up and jumping off the building with Michaelangelo following after.

After they left, Leonardo turned back to his red masked brother,
"What is the matter with you? Can you not be a hothead for one day?" The leader scolded his brother.

The red masked turtle chuckled sarcastically,
"What, you want me to just act like everythings all rainbows and sunshine, well it isn't!" He scoffed harshly at his eldest brother and continued.

"That's all y'all want me to do. Just sit and shut up. You all just think I'm a danger. I'm just heatless and tempered. Well news flash, I have feelings too Leo!"

Leonardo sighed,
"I never said you didn't Raph," the tempered turtle shook his head.
"You act like it though. You all just want me to act happy. Well I'm not! And I feel worse! I don't have anyone to talk to anymore and I'm right back to where I was in the first place!" Tears fell down Raphs cheeks, hitting the cement roof. His breathing was shallow and short, draining the silence between the two brothers.

"What do you mean?" The bluemasked turtle asked, concerned for his little brother. Raph stared at the ground for what seemed like an eternity,
"You wouldn't understand," he sniffed, wiping his eyes.

Leo walked over to Raph and embraced him tightly,
"Please talk to me," he pleaded.

Raph shut his eyes and hugged back, letting all the tears he's held in for so long fall.
"I.. I just feel like t-there's this wall between me and everyone else. Nobody understands me, the way i deal with things. I try so hard.. to be normal and I always fail. No matter what I-I do, I always feel like I'm always disappointing you.. and Donnie.. and Mikey." He sobbed, his stomach tightened and his head was spinning, but he actually felt better.

Having someone to talk to was all Raphael needed. Leonardo knew that very well now and it was in that moment that everything he's said was true. Everyone does ignore Raph's feelings.

"You are not a disappointment. We all love you so much. Nothing would be the same without you Raph, we need you." Leo reassured, his eyes glistened with tears

Raph was in tears, shaky sobs escaping his mouth. The blue masked turtle walked to his younger brother and pulled him in a strong embrace.
"Y-you won't tell the others about me crying like a little baby right?" Raph asked, sniffing.

Leo chuckled,
"Of course not.. now lets go home."

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