Chapter 1

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He looked straight at the depth of her blue eyes, as it sparkled in the sun. "Alexis... Will you marry me?"

Her cheeks blossomed red, as she blushed. Teeth clenched, she looked up at the sky nervously. Her hands that were resting in his began to shake.

With one knee touching the ground, and a heart that paced fast in his chest, Nate waited for her response. Alexis did nothing but look around at the water that stretched out into the horizon. He hoped with all his heart that she'd shriek with excitement, leap into his arms, and shout yes... But she didn't.

He could feel himself getting anxious by the second, and sweat pouring out of his forehead in nervousness. What if she said no? Was his unmeasurable love not enough to win over her heart? Nate pleaded in his head that Alexis would just hurry up and say what she had to say even it meant rejecting him... he just couldnt take anymore of this waiting.

"So..." Nathan gulped trying to hide his anxioty.

"Nate, I can't..." Alexis finally blurted.

It was as if the whole world stopped in astonishment. The birds didn’t endure singing, people mounted still, the ripples in the water vanished, and the wind sat silent. Nathan could feel all eyes on him… eye’s that showed nothing but pity.

He felt is face flush in embarrassment and the inner part of him die. He felt hurt and defeated by the one he loved. Nate wanted to cry. But for a grown man to cry, would mean he had no dignity within himself, so with all his courage he got up on both feet and asked her, "Why not..."

"Nate, I'm not ready yet. We've been dating for only a couple of years and you pop that question on me all of a sudden? Please try to understand." Alexis looked up at him with a slight smile, asking for forgiveness. She then reached around and hugged him gently. "I'm sorry Nathan. Just give me some time."

He closed the box with the ring he got a good three weeks ago and stuffed it in his pocket. Nathan had been waiting for this day for a while, and it ended like this. For a moment he was angry with her for ruining all his plans, but that thought left his mind quickly as he looked down at her. It wasn't her fault that she couldn't settle down just yet. Whenever she is ready, Nate will be there to make her his. He will wait for her even if it takes forever.

Alexis entwined her figures through his. "I hope you’re not upset." her long blond hair blew in the wind and she had a look of concern.

The sweet hum in her voice made him forget everything, even the fact that he'd told his parents that he's bringing his fiancée home tomorrow. They would be so angry when they'd realize Alexis had said no. He laughed to himself as he pictured his mother’s flustered face.

“I’m not. I could never be upset with you." He smiled and placed his chin on the top of your head. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Forever and always?”

“Forever and always baby.”

Hand in hand they both walked along the waterfront park. Lake on one side, and families amusing themselves on the other. To people, the two may look like lovebirds on a stroll, but they would have never known that one bird has an awfully broken heart.

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