[Chapter 27] Chit Chat Chit What a Git:

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Never Normal [Chapter 27] Chit Chat Chit What a Git:

"Boy you just love to talk," Lloyd snapped, standing and facing the large dragon who peered down at him.

"Hey  you should be thanking me  I'm buying you time to rest up."

"Why don't you just kill me now? Have done with it already. I'm tired, you're tired, let's just end it right now."

Fyre smiled and laughed a bit, "I'm not that evil. I like a good fight."

"Except you are."

"Except I'm not."

"You actually are."

"I'm actually not."

"You both are actually really stupid," Cole snapped, leading the rest of the team out on the deck, "Monologuing is so 2004."

Fyre rolled her eyes, "Don't you have some cake to eat," she snapped and brought her attention back to Lloyd, who soon had Kai by his side.

"You all just don't know when to quit, huh?"

Kai shrugged, "We're all idiots that way, what can I say?"

"Quite big ones, I might add, because now your stupidity is going to kill all of you, and hurt so many others," she seethed and Lloyd sighed, standing up straight and he opened his mouth to speak.

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