[Chapter 26] Full Has Never Been So Empty:

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Never Normal [Chapter 26] Full Has Never Been So Empty:

Although Lloyd hated to admit, he just wished the full moon would come already, just to put him out of his misery of the constant training. It had gotten more enjoyable however, being able to train with Kai, watching the love of his life direct him and teach him, and after practice when Kai would take off his shirt in the heat and his sweat on his skin wasn't that bad of a sight for the young ninja either, but as soon as he was happy, the dread and stress of the world rained down on him, sending him into moods where he didn't want to move, and when he did he was sloppy and slow. But a simple kiss from Kai on his cheeks gave him back his energy, and he went back to his training.

And as the nights got brighter, the world managed to get dimmer, and the final night of his training he looked up at the starry night sky and the almost full moon and he sighed, praying to the First Spinjitzu Master to give him the strength and skill needed to face Fyre the following night.

"Something on your mind Lloyd?" a young voice asked, and Lloyd responded with a simple shrug, turning to face the black haired young woman behind him.

"I just don't want to lose tomorrow.." he said, looking down. It was a weird feeling he had, something he had never experienced before. He felt empty, clear of all and every emotion. He looked up at Nya when he felt her hand on his shoulder.

She had been feeling off too, ever since the other night. She was feeling thirsty more, feeling more relaxed and calm, but she figured the thirst was the stress, and her relaxed state of mind and calm atmosphere was that her brother was finally back to her. But this moment wasn't about her, nor was it about Kai. It was about Lloyd, and how worried and stressed and scared he must be.

"You're going to be alright," she assured, looking at him. Her light blue and brown eyes looked into his green ones, and he noticed how vivid her blue was that night. He nodded a bit and looked down, "I hope.." he smiled weakly at her and she embraced him, and he said softly, "You're a good sister.." he said, smiling and she replied to him, her voice wavering as she managed to keep it together, "And you're a good brother.." she smiled and pulled back, "You should get back to training. We've got a long day tomorrow."

Lloyd nodded and continued training, breaking only to eat and use the bathroom, and before he knew it, he had trained the day away. Sitting down and panting, the ship shook and a familiar voice said teasingly, "Aw. Tired before we even begin?"

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