[Chapter 21] Never is a Strong Word

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Never Normal [Chapter 22] Never is a Strong Word:

Lloyd walked to the door to the bathroom, ready to shower. A picture caught his eye, and he looked over to see it. It was a picture of all of them, Lloyd being his little boy self again. His eyes ran over the faces and stopped on Kai's and he sighed.

'What if you lose and we never see him again..' Nya's words ran through his head over and over, and Lloyd got a shock of realization and energy.

"I will see you again Kai. I'll never lose you again."

Lloyd turned from the shower and ran back outside, "Sensei. Let's train," he said sternly, a small smirk on his face and determination in his eyes.

~Meanwhile With Kai~

Kai opened his eyes, yawning and stretching tiredly. He looked over and blinked in confusion as Shell was inspecting his wings, "What're you doing?"

"There is no reason you can't fly. Your wings are in prime condition! Come. Let's go teach you how to fly," she lifted him up and started walking outside, going towards their feeding cliff.

"Shell I'm never going to learn how to fly."

"Yes you are."




"You ready?" Shell asked, smiling as they finally reached the top.



Shell pushed him off and called down to him, "You have to trust your instincts!" 

Kai fell, screaming and flapping his wings desperately, spiraling down.

Then, almost by a miracle, he steadied, and his wings opened just in time and he flew up, catching a gust of wind to carry him up, and he flapped his wings and that action took him higher. He looked around, the only thing he could hear was a slight breeze, the skin of his wings against the air, his heart beat, and his breathing. He was soon joined by Shell, and he looked at her, a smile growing on his face as he stayed in one spot, not so gracefully. Shell smiled at him, "Good, now the real work begins."

Kai blinked and sighed.

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