[Chapter 16] Dreams And Fears:

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Never Normal [Chapter 16] Dreams And Fears:

Lloyd shot up, gasping quickly.


He looked around the room desperately for his red clad friend, but just as it has been for the past two days, not a sign of the hothead.

Lloyd lay his head back in his pillow, small tears trickling down his cheeks, "Wh-Why did it have to be a dream.. Why..."

The next morning, at the first sign of life on the ship, Lloyd ran out of bed to meet his uncle to tell him of his dream last night.

As the young boy spoke, all Wu did was occasionally tug on his beard or tap his bamboo staff on the floor.

"This can't be.."

"What is it uncle? This isn't actually real, right?"

"It was prophesized that the Green Ninja also got these abilities that occurred only when something was very wrong."

"How wrong?"

"The entire world depends on it wrong."


"If what you've envisioned is true, than you must get training as soon as possible. If I've trained Kai correctly, he will either try to find a way back to you, or find a way to stall Fyre long enough to get you prepared. Most likely both at the same time."

"So Kai's not dead?"

A smile spread across Lloyd's face as he imagined him being with the Fire Ninja once again,

"Perhaps. But nothing is set in stone."

"Yes uncle. C-Can we set out a search beam for him?"

"I'm afraid not, my nephew. Fyre is a highly trained assassin and-"

"An assassin?!"

"Yes. A previous student of mine too."


"Yes. It's quite a long story."

"I have time."

Wu studied the young boy and saw it was no use arguing with him,

"Very well then. Have a seat."

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