[Chapter 8] Camp:

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Never Normal [Chapter 8] Camp:

It was quiet as Kai followed Fyre, neither one of them spoke. There was the occasional awkward cough from Kai, but Fyre stayed emotionless like a stone statue Kai used to see in museums when he was younger.

"So, uh, Fyre.."

Her head turned towards him, "Yes?"

"You uh, take a lot of dragons in?"

"Used to. There used to be a new dragon at camp every other day but, now we get very few. You're the first in months. So be prepared to be the 'new kid' for a while. But don't fret, soon you'll be one of us and you won't have to worry about those pesky Hunters anymore."


"Now that you asked me a question, I see it is only fair that I were to ask you one now."

"Um, okay?"

"That name you spoke back there, Lloyd, was it?"

"Yes. What about it?"

"Is that your mate?"

Kai's face blushed heavily, and he managed out, "Wh-What? Of course not! We're simply just friends and-"

"Oh, I apologize. I must have misunderstood."

"Yeah. You did."

The two came over a hill and in a large valley, there was a forest littered with large rocks, "Well, may I be the first to welcome you to the Camp."

"There's nothing here."

Fyre smiled slightly and said, "You are funny. Camp is only blind to the human eye. However, humor won't get you anywhere in hunting. Jokes don't actually 'kill.' Those moronic humans are always mistaken on everything."


"I will see to it that you get everything you will need to be welcome at home. Feeding time is at sundown atop that mountain."

Fyre pointed a claw at the tallest mountain and there was what appeared to be an entrance inside the mountain along the side of it. When Kai looked back down at 'Camp', he finally saw it. The large rocks were hollowed out so a dragon could enter, "Okay," Kai said curiously, "But where is everybody?"

Fyre smiled and let out an ear-piercing screech, which Kai surprisingly didn't wince at. When it stopped, the camp came to life with dragons of all different breeds and sizes.

Kai looked around, amazed at what he missed his first visit to the Dark Island. He shook his head slightly and asked, "Wouldn't something like that alert humans?"

"The screech? Of course not. It's like a dog-whistle. Only dragons can hear this."


Fyre started walking down into the camp, but stopped and said to Kai, "Oh, and Kai?"


"Be prepared to train 24/7, 365. This camp is to protect its residents and to teach them how to survive when they're out in the real world. This isn't your Sensei's training, anymore. I hope you enjoy all that we have to offer for you here! It was nice meeting you. I already like you, and I don't wish to see you get destroyed. So because of that, please refer to me how everyone else does."

"Which is?"

"Lady Fyre."

"May I ask why I must call a fellow resident that?"

"Well, normally you refer to the person who runs something by their formal name. This is my camp after all."

And with that, Fyre spread her wings and flew off.

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