[Chapter 13] Steak Sushi:

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Never Normal [Chapter 13] Steak Sushi:

As they both tiredly set down the bison at the front of Kai's nest, Kai asked, "Aren't you going to eat?"

"It was your hunt. Your catch. Your food."

"Oh come on! You can eat some! I can't eat all of this by myself!"

"You sure?"

"Of course!"

Shell thought about it for a moment before shaking her head, "No. I can't. Thank you. But I can't."

"Can you at least come sit with me while I eat? I don't like eating alone,"

"I guess."

"So, where's the best place to eat around here?"

Shell's eyes seemed to light up at this question, and she smiled, "I know the perfect place! Come on!"

She ran off happily, forgetting Kai and the bison.



"I still have this."

"Oh, yeah! Duh! Silly me!"

Shell returned and helped him carry it, her leading the way.

The two once again set it down, this time in front of a lake. The camp lay a few miles behind them, and by now the moon was already high into the air, "Welcome to Inot Lake!"


"Yes. Inot. Ee-nah-t."

"Nice. So, now what?"

"You eat, silly!"

Kai rose an eyebrow, "Raw?"

"Of course! How else would you eat it?"

"Rare. Medium rare. Medium well-"

"Stop talking nonsense! That's the human language!"


Kai stopped himself before he said anything and asked, "So, I eat this? Raw? Not cooked at all?"


"So... Like steak sushi?"

"Whata-what-what? No. Like bison."


Shell looked at Kai curiously, but shrugged and said, "I'm going to take a walk around the lake. Roar if you need me!"

Shell then left, a bounce in her step.

"Hey Shell!"


"You remind me of my sister!"

"Thanks, I think?!"

"It's a compliment!"

"Oh! Then thank you!"

Kai laughed and hesitantly took a small bite of the raw bison. He chewed it slowly and slowed, but surprisingly enough he actually liked it.

He took another bite, which lead to another, until he started devouring the meal like it was his last.

When Shell returned a few minutes later, she saw nothing but bones.

"So I take I you didn't like it?"

"I hated it," he said sarcastically, "Never eating it again."

The two laughed slightly, and decided to head back.

A nice, calm walk in the woods in the middle if the night. Relaxing.

Not if you're targeted by Lord Hades himself.

And, they both were.

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