Chapter 16 ~ Confuse Truth, Leparchun and Going back home

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"I wish I could kiss you, and made you feel like you're the one" Cody whispered, that led me in confusion, what does he mean by he wish and i'm the one.

"What-" I said, 

"I'm not like jake, I was forced to kidnapped you, but believe me I don't want to." He loose his grip and let go of me.

"I'm sorry," He said before disappering in crowd. I just stood their numb. What if he is saying lie, to gain my trust.

I left the party without even saying ashley bye. I really wanted to get out from here. This is really not my thing.


I slipped out of my dress and wore pjs and a hoodie, and drinking hot chocolate. My hair were in a bun and I was working on a project that I was assigned to do.

I was writing on the topic when my phone started to ring. It was niall.

"Hey baby," I said as I picked up.

"Hey babe, how are you?" He said,

"I'm fine I guess," I said,

"Why what happen?" 

"Missing you," I said as tears spilled on my cheek.

"Emily, I miss you too so much, but we have to get through this" He said,

"Yeah I know, um, well how are you?" I said,

"I'm great, just finished the concert, now I'm at hotel with lads, they went to sleep, I wanted to talk to you so I came outside" 

"Will fans or paps will notice?"

"Don't worry, I'm cover up" 


"So how was the party" He asked, and past events flashed in my mind.

"It was okay, I'm just not used to go to these type of parties, I was just so uncomfortable"

"I wish I was there with you, to make you feel comfortable and confident" He said, 

I wish too niall, if you were here with me, then that events wouldn't ever happened.

"Yeah, me too I think you really should get some sleep" 

"Yeah, but I'd rather talk to you" I rolled my eyes, this boy!

"Leparchun, go to your bed," I said laughing quietly.

"Hey! Don't call me that!" He said,

"If you didn't obey me, then I'm sorry I have to say it again" I said,

"Ok lepar-" I said, but was cut off,

"Fine, I'm going to sleep" He said,

"Now that's my boy" I said sarcastilly.

"You are such a pain in ass" He said, I laughed.

"But you still love me" 

And then he hang up laughing. I shake my head still laughing. He was seriously really adorable.

I don't know when I fall in love with him. He always makes me feel happy and alive. Not every guy does this for his girlfriend.

And that day I promise myself that I won't let him go, no matter what happens!


Today was the day when I was going to meet my mom. There was a one week break for me, and I was so eager to meet my mom, sister and my niece alyssa.

I packed my small bag, with all my clothes, shoes and scarves, and other small bag with make up and personal items. 

My flight was at 5pm, and It was 2pm now, I took my bags in cab and told the driver to take me to the airport.

Finally after so many months, I'll meet my family. I was so desperate to see them, laugh with them and talk to them, there were many things that I wanted to share with my sister.

I arrived at airport and got through security check and right now I was waiting for my flight to be called. I got a magazine and was looking through some photos and articles when one article took my attention, it was written in bold letters,

Is Niall Horan cheating on his girlfriend Emily Watson? 

I dropped the magazine, my heart was breaking into pieces. He can't do that to me, why he would? Oh yeah, I self harm, cut myself, he is niall horan, in a band, and why he would be with me. He is just feeling pity on me.

There was a picture of him kissing a girl on cheek and that wasn't me.

I wanted the answer, and I won't let go it. I wouldn't let him play with my feelings.

Niall horan, you are so screwed and you have to give answers to my questions!

Hey guys, whats up? So early update huh, I just love you guys so much, and please do vote and comment! and yeah guys have you listened story of my life, well I heard a little bit but I'm going to listen it now, and do any of you have kik I do have if any of you guys do self harm or cut yourself or are depressed, message me here or on kik which is smalik21! Love u all <3


Cold Coffee (Niall Horan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora