Chapter 4

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I look around the building and feel the small hairs in my back stand tall. Something in the building hade gone horrible wrong. 

Dead bodies were all around me. I follow Erik and Charles out of the car. We had picked up woman on the way, her name was Moira and Erik and Charles have been working with her over the past few months.

I see a few people around my age standing there, they look out of place inbetween all those people with suits on. They were dressed in their own comfortable clothes but they did look anything but that. Of course they weren't comfortable, not only were there men and women in suits, there were all kinds of humans in army clothes and holding guns walking around.

Everywhere were stones from the building crushing the ground, a yellow vehicle and all kinds of stuff. Charles runs towards Raven and I smile greatly seeing her.

"Raven!" I say as I run up to hug her. "Finally a nice face besides Charles and Moira." I wink at Erik as he rolls his eyes.

"We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately." this makes me raise my eyebrows. I have litteraly just arrived, if he was dropping me off at home right now I will probably kill him. 

"We're not going home." a blond says with incredible blue eyes.

"Wha-.." Charles looks at them in astonishment.

"He's not going back to prison." a orange haired guy says, he has glasses on but looks sweet.

"They killed Darwin." so them two, Raven, Charles, Erik and the guy who sits a little further with a suit are not the only ones on the team then.

Charles begins to tell them that that is probably the best reason to go home but Raven intervenes, telling him that they can't even bury this Darwin person.

"We can avenge him." Erik says while his hands are placed in his sides and he has glasses on. Doesn't he just look like mister badass.

"Erik, a word please." they walk a few steps further, everyone can still clearly hear them. "They're just kids." I make my way over to them.

"No, they were kids. Shaw has his army, we need ours."

"We don't need an army," I say as I wrap my arm around Charles shoulder. I turn him around and make him look at the team. "But we need them." they all smile in appreciation at my words. I bow my head to Charles' ear. "They're strong, with them trained by our side.. We can win."

"We have to train," he announces. "All of us." dammit, just when I thought I wouldn't have to. "Yes?"

A few of them say yes, but the guy with the glasses and a suit on says something on which I hadn't really thought yet. 

"We can't stay here. Even if they re-opened the department, we wouldn't be safe." he gives a sad smile, which makes my heart ache. It makes me wonder if he had lived here for a long part of his life. "We've got no where to go."

Suddenly Charles' frown turns into a smile. "Yes we do."

"Where did you guys go?" the teacher chuckles at the eagerness of her students to learn more. It would be a fun story for now, but tomorrow the bad things would start to happen.

"We went to the place where we are now." she sees some of them look in awe at their surroundings. "Charles and Raven grew up here and we could spend our training sessions downstairs in the basement." they look excited. "No I will not show you where we trained. You'll see it tomorrow when I tell you all further." dissapointment slips onto their faces but they hide it surprisingly well.

"See you tomorrow miss." a few of them say before standing up and making their way to the door.

"I didn't say I was done." the woman tells them with a fierce voice, which makes a few turn around in a scared manner. "Tomorrow I will tell about training sessions, but the story will be getting closer to war. If it gets to hard, you may leave or not come at all. It's accepted. You also will not make fun of people for leaving or not coming." they all nod their heads as they were taught to do and walk out of the door.

"Come." the woman sighs as she hears the voice in her head. She hated it when he did it but she listened, he was after all many things to her. A former lover, a friend, an enemy, a boss.

"You called?" she asks him. He nods and gestures to one of the seats in front of his desk. She sits down and ignores the looks he is throwing at her. She grabs the water bottle he hands her and takes a sip, after all these years he still cared for her. It made her heart ache slightly to the old days that she was just telling the kids about. 

The time when they were all happy. Well, not truly happy but they were satisfied with what they had. When they went to his house - what now happened to have become a school - and where they all trained, but didn't truly worry about the impact mutants had on humans.

She remembers the times after the war, where everyone barely spoke to each other. 

"Why did you bring me here?"  she looks at him and he sighs as he leans back in his wheelchair. Like he used to when he was younger.

" I can't remember." 

With that she stands up. She opens the door and gives him one last glance before leaving the room, knowing he fully lied to her a few seconds ago.

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