Chapter Three: All My fault

Start from the beginning

I shake my head, "I'm not listening. Its not true," I say firmly.

"Oh Lukey boy. Why you got to make this so hard," laughs the nightmare man.

"Luke! Luke," I hear the familiar voice of my mum.

No its not her. She is gone. I know she is dead...

"Oh Luke," I hear her voice. I look up to find myself in the attic with Sarah Jane in front of me. She brings me into a tight embrace.

"Mum," I whisper.

"Oh Luke. I knew this would be so hard on you," she whispers.

"I can defeat him," I whisper back.

"Oh Luke I wish you could. I want you too but lets face it. Your alone. Your friends can't help you and I am no longer with you. No Luke you can't take my place and soon you will realize you should of stayed at Oxford. You left and now coming back is just causing more pain," she whispers.

I pull from her it slowly getting to me. I can't help it. She looks so real, so like my mum but her words are crushing my heart ever so slowly every time she speaks.

"Lukey boy got you!" he screams.

"Why will he not wake up? Mr Smith I need you!" shouts Clyde.

"Clyde I'm afraid I am picking up alien activity and its coming from Luke," Mr Smith says quickly.

Clyde looks at the Camera in his hand. "Mr Smith Luke gave me this but why?"

I slowly open my eyes yawning. "Clyde," I whisper.

"Luke your alright what happened?"

I look at Clyde and shake my head. "I can't say it," I whisper.

"What do you mean you can't...," Clyde looks at the Camera in his hand, "Oh Luke. It can't be. But it is isn't it. Its him. Its the Nightmare man," Clyde finishes.

I nod my head ever so slowly, "I'm sorry," I mouthed slowly.

"Its not your fault," Clyde goes to say.

"It is Clyde. Its always my fault. I know it is. Because I'm different. If I didn't have the brain of ten thousand people he wouldn't be able to break through again," I whisper to him feeling myself shaking and the tears wanting to fall.

"We stopped him. We can do it again. We have the advantage now."

"One more is all he needs Clyde. Mum she will really be disappointed in me. For giving up Oxford coming back and thinking I can take her place. Who am I kidding Clyde? I know you all whisper behind my back. I know you say you worry but its cause you don't know what I'm going to do next. I'm too unpredictable," I say softly wiping the tears from my eyes now.

"Luke its the nightmare man. He is messing with you and your fears but you know none of that is true. None of it. Your my best friend and I could not think of anyone better then you to take Sarah Jane's place. Without you the earth would of already fallen to our enemies don't let today be the day the enemy wins," Clyde says coming over to me and bringing me into an embrace.

"Clyde," I whisper softly.

"What is it Luke?"

"I don't know what I would do with out you," I smile to him softly.

A scream is heard from downstairs. I look at Clyde, "That was Sky," I say as I run from the attic and all the way downstairs.

I head into the living room to find Sky holding onto her arm, blood shattered across the carpet. "Luke watch out!" screams Rani who is huddled up in the corner with Sanjay who looks like he just saw a ghost.

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