Chapter 29 - Finale

Start from the beginning

Samsu saw her looking. 'You want some stronger wine?' he growled.

'No, thank you, sir,' she smiled, quickly thinking of a lie. 'I thought I saw a chip in the side of the bowl – I must have been mistaken.'

His eyes narrowed as he looked at her; his fists clenched on the table. 'Perhaps,' he said slowly, 'I do not care for strong wine myself, this evening.'

Her stomach plummeted – no! No, no, no!

'Does the strong wine not help with your pain?' she asked, trying to appear sympathetic.

'Sometimes. Tonight, I choose to drink watered wine. Swap drinking bowls with me,' he ordered, his tone brooking no argument.

Her mind screamed against it as she handed the bowl over, taking his in return, attempting nonchalance. She had signed her own death warrant – if she did not drink, she confirmed her complicity in Ashan's guilt; if she drank, the poison would claim her.

She clenched her fists in her lap to stop them shaking, looking down at the food on her plate. The smell made her nauseous as fear and disappointment threatened to crush her.

Forcing a false smile, she turned her attention to Eshu as he continued his chatter – she could not have been more grateful that he gave his father something else to focus on. He had not even started on his dinner, he had so much to say.

Eliana barely touched her food either – she feared her volatile stomach could not hold it. Samsu looked at her cheerfully, a laugh in his eyes as he ate and drank with gusto. Within minutes, he had finished half his meal and almost drained his – Eliana's – drinking bowl.

There was triumph on his face as he watched her, 'What is the matter?' he asked, almost gleefully. 'Do you not want your –'

He froze.

She looked at him quizzically, 'Sir, is everything alright?'

Bringing a hand to his face, he said in a thick voice, 'My throat is numb, my mouth too.'

Eshu fell silent, suddenly afraid.

After a few moments, Samsu's face contorted – he began frantically clawing at his neck and chest. 'It burns!' he rasped. 'Make it stop! Do something!'

He fell from his chair, writhing in agony on the floor. Eliana leapt to her feet, staring in horror at the table. 'Eshu! Don't touch anything – there is poison here!'

She was beyond shock – she could not understand what was happening. Had Ashan poisoned her bowl by mistake, or worse, on purpose? Had she mistaken him? It was impossible – he had not come near her when the meal was being served.

'Father!' Eshu cried in terror.

Samsu thrashed on the tiles, 'I am being flayed alive!' he screamed, choking. He turned to Ashan, his gaze desperately pleading for help.

Ashan stood behind Eliana's chair and looked steadily back.

Realisation dawned on Samsu's face – he stared at Eliana and Ashan with accusation in his eyes. He opened his mouth, tried to speak, to condemn them, but the words would not form.

His limbs began to twitch, then to tremble before he began to convulse, shuddering grotesquely in his agony, his eyes rolling back into his head.

Ashan and Eliana watched in dumbstruck silence.

As Samsu's convulsions subsided and his gaze became fixed, he exhaled one last breath and was still.

Eshu gave a piercing scream and collapsed into sobs.

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