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"I'm so sorry I had to go so soon. Please tell your mum and dad I said sorry." I groaned, tucking my fly-away's behind my ear.

"No worries Ave. I'm sure I'll see you again though at some point this holiday. That's if you want to, of course." He looked over at me, showing his perfect fucking smile once again. How could I say no?

"No of course. I need to say a proper goodbye to everyone, including Mason." I smiled back.

"Ha, well I think Mason has a little crush on you." He smirked, turning down a road. I could hear music getting louder and louder with every yard we drove.

"Oh no way." I giggled. "I'm much too old for him."

"Maybe so, but the heart wants what the heart wants.  Even if it is only 13 years old." He laughed. I couldn't stop staring at his teeth. I was about to say something about them, until he interrupted me.

"Y'know, he's not the only one with a crush on you."

"Oh really now? And who would the other person be? Gandalf? Pinocchio?" I giggled to myself. 

"Well actually-" he began, before the sound of shouting interrupted him. Just ahead of us there was a group of people congregated outside of the music venue - the one I was supposed to be meeting Adam at.

"Is that?" I asked, my voice trailing off as my finger pointing at a bush of curls flailing about angrily.

"I think so." Ethan grimaced, pulling up on the opposite side of the road. I was about to jump out of the car when he grabbed my wrist gently, pulling me to face him.

"Just be careful okay? Call me when you're back at your hotel, or if you want a place to crash."

"I will. Thanks again!" I called out behind me, slamming his car door and running over to the group of people screeching at each other.

"You were looking at my bird!" A hipster guy with a long greyish beard was screaming at Matty. Well, there's my Gandalf. I wonder where Pinocchio's at? 

"Was not." Matty slurred, stumbling slightly before recollecting himself. Ah. There he is.

"What the hell is going on?" I shouted, pushing my way through the crowd.

"THERE SHE IS." George shouted as soon as he saw me, before pushing people out of his way and gathering me up in his arms. My feet were lifted off the ground as he drunkenly rocked me to-and-fro.

"Ge-orge. I can-can't breathe. You-'re squish-ing my intes-tines." I gasped, trying to push him off me. Instead he carried me back, my feet dangling pathetically beneath me, towards the rest of the boys. He finally put me down and I breathed a small sigh of relief, before rushing back over to Matty and the hipster guy.

"Just get out of my face man." Matty grinned to himself.

"What's going on? Seriously?!" I shouted, angered by the fact I was repeating myself.

"This dope head was talking to my girl." Hipster huffed.

"DAMN RIGHT I WAS." Matty shouted, before manically laughing. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Look I'm sorry, he's drunk. The best thing to do is go home, with your 'girl', and I'll be sure to put him to bed. I'll even pay for your taxi, here-" I said, shoving a couple of American dollars into his hand. He grunted, before leading his girlfriend away. The crowd, who were hoping to see a fight, moaned and quickly disbanded, leaving Matty and a few others behind.

I took a deep breath, but it didn't help. I looked at Matty and I no longer felt sympathy for him. The complete and utter rage that had manifested itself from this shitty day had taken its place, and it was ready to shine.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you?" I screamed, shoving Matty in the shoulder. He tumbled back slightly in shock, before re-adjusting his foot position and taking another swig from the wine bottle in his hand. 

"Nothing. What's the matter with you?" He giggled. 

"You think that's funny huh? You really think that's funny? You're an utter fucking arse hole and I genuinely don't know why I bother. You don't even care, do you?" I screamed in his face. I could feel Adam pulling at the back of my shirt, trying to get me away, but I just couldn't. I needed to get it off my chest.

"Babe, I haven't cared about anything in years. But thanks for the update." He grinned at me, blowing me a sarcastic air kiss. 

"You're supposed to care about me." I demanded, my voice finally cracking. 

"You're not my girlfriend Avery. I don't have to do a damned thing." Matty shouted right back at me, throwing his empty wine bottle on to the pavement. 

"Then don't! But don't you fucking DARE act like you're the victim all the time. I have tried, and I've tried again but whatever I do just isn't fucking good enough is it? Not even coming all the way out here to see you and the boys touring. Fuck you, Matty."

"Not yet Avery. Remember, you gotta preserve your virtue." He winked at me, and I felt my cheeks reddening from embarrassment. 

"Avery come on..." Adam said, trying to pull me away. Even Ross and George had sobered up enough to take interest in what was happening. 

"No, hold on. I wish I never met you Matty. I wish you never came in and fucked my entire life up. I fucking hate you." I said, before stepping even closer to him, so my lips were resting above his ear. "But not as much as you clearly hate yourself." I whispered, before letting Adam lead me away.

"Not cool bro." Ross shrugged, walking off with us.

"I'm gonna make sure he doesn't walk into the middle of a lake and drown himself or something. But I loooooove you Aves, I'll kick him where it hurts in the morning." George slurred slightly, before kissing my forehead and running back towards Matty, who had just disappeared behind the street corner.


"You can't leave, where are you gonna go?" Adam sighed heavily, rubbing the sides of his head. I could tell his night had been just as fun as mine. 

"I'll stay at a friends." I said, packing everything I could possibly need for the night in my backpack.

"A friends? Avery you have no friends here! You can't possibly know anyone!" Adam protested.

"Well as a matter of fact I do. Ethan." 

"Who the fucking hell is Ethan?"

"From the coffee shop. I sat next to him on the plane, his family lives here. I'll stay there for the night."

"Are you insane? Matty will-"

"I don't care what Matty will think, do, or say. And he clearly feels the same way. Leave him with his blonde whore for the night and I'm sure he'll be happy enough." 

"You called?" Sophie grinned from the doorway, clearly taking joy from the situation.

"Come near me and I swear to god I will punch you so hard I'll knock your teeth out and force them down your various holes, to the point where you will still be picking your teeth out of your second baby's arse hole. Fuck. Off." 

"Alright alright, touchy. I'll be sure to tell Matty you said hello." She grinned.

"Yeah IF he comes back. Good luck with that!" I shouted after her, before shoving my toothbrush into my backpack.

"Avery just think for a minute. How long are you gonna be gone? You can't avoid him for the whole week."

"No, but I can avoid him for today and most of tomorrow." 

"Avery for god sake-" He said, before grabbing a handful of clothes out of my rucksack and attempting to put them back in my suitcase. I wrestled for them with him in mid-air, which ended up with them all fluttering to the floor - along with a certain medication tub. I quickly eyed it up, as did Adam, and we both reached for it. But he beat me to it.

"Anti-depressants? Really?" He said, his voice softening.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. I'll talk tomorrow. As much as you want me to. About anything. But Adam, right now I need to go. Please just let me." I said, my voice coming out as a croak. He nodded timidly, before handing me back my tablets and helping me re-pack my bag. Just as we finished, I heard a beep from outside.

"That's him. I gotta go. I love you, and I'll text you as soon as I wake up tomorrow." I said, hugging him tightly. 

"You better." He sighed, before giving me a final squeeze and releasing me. I exited the bedroom and was gonna say goodbye to Ross, before seeing that he was fast asleep on the sofa. Instead I just ran out the door and down the stairs, before clambering into Ethan's car.

"Heeeeeeey, it's Avery! Hey Aves! Where you going?" Matty shouted after me, trying to chase after the car. I watched in the wing-mirror as George managed to reel him in, and Matty put his head in his hands before he collapsed onto the pavement in defeat.

(A/N: Ouch. I know right. 

Don't forget to vote and comment! I love reading all of your comments (like, every single one. I see all the sing-a-longs etc. It's brilliant.) so if you have any questions or whatever feel free to ask! Also please please PLEASE vote, it helps a lot as it promotes the story so other people can read! I work so hard with the storylines etc, as I don't want it to be a short and shit fanfic. Stories need detail, and readers to see it!

Love you lots guys, 

-L x)

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