Chapter 1: What Kind of School is This?

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Some people argue that we're all simply born to die. We all argue amongst ourselves about religion, morals, and most importantly, the end result. Death. Death is what taints the world with pain. It brings an undesirable quality to something that was once beautiful, that is, life. Yet I don't believe that it's death that is painful, but life.


Boxes swarm me and nearly swallow me whole. The room is eerily dark and a screaming silence surrounds me like the air. Laying on the uncomfortable bed I stare at the unchanging ceiling, waiting for something to happen all while knowing nothing will.

Soft sobs fill the room across from mine killing the silence, no matter how hard she tries she can't stop. She tries to hide it from me but she never can, and tonight I would cry. But I'm done, I'm done feeling sorry for myself like I have so many times, even if I did try to cry I don't think I could, it doesn't help anymore


The first bell rings signaling I'm late for my first class. My heart plummets to my stomach as even more nerves pulse through my veins. I walk down the now abandoned hallway looking for a stupid map which I have yet to come across in my thirty minutes of wandering. I turn a corner just for my mouth to drop to the floor in shock and disgust, there a dude is pinning a girl to the lockers while they suck each other's faces off like desperate leeches.

My gaze must've occurred to them because the boy pulls back whilst the girl remains sucking on his neck like a bloodthirsty vampire, actually, a vampire sucking someone dry would be more attractive than the scene in front of me.

"Can I help you?" the guy asks flashing me a flirtatious smirk. I just blink a couple times with my jaw still agape, staring at the unruly scene in front of me.

"Uh, yeah do you know where room," I check my schedule, "314 is?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
The guy erupts in loud and obnoxious laughter causing the girl to jump off of him in surprise. She just glances at me before sneering and looking me up and down, then she presumes to turn back to the guy and continues to suck at his well-defined jawline.

Once the guy cools down a bit he just flicks his eyebrows upward, "Yeah it's around the corner, I'm assuming you're new?" he laughs mockingly and I nod.
"Yeah you're late for Mr. Peterson's class, good luck," he laughs before going back to his girl.
"Thanks," I mumble rolling my eyes at the two teens eating each other's purity away.

Once I find the room I glance in to see a completely filled classroom with a man that looks to be ancient. I mean, he looks like he was alive during World War I, no make that the Civil War, maybe I should ask him how Abe Lincoln was. I push the thought away knowing my mom would be pissed if I got sent to detention on the first day of school, our family can't afford that kind of attention.

Taking a deep breathe I turn the knob slowly and push the door open causing a loud creek to ring and thirty sets of eyes to land on me.
"Who are you?" the teacher grunts clearly irritated after being interrupted during his oh so interesting lecture.
"I'm Kira Williams," I say using my assigned last name that my mother gave me, "I'm new here," I raise my eyebrows waiting for him to respond but he just stares impatiently while waiting for me to give a further explanation, "I got lost..." I continue to explain.

"Being new is no excuse to being late, now is it class?" the only response he gets is a moan that doesn't even sound close to a 'no'.
"Well, I'm sorry I don't exactly have a map of the entire school in my head like most of the kids in this class do jeez I was five minutes late," I retort while heading to the back of the class with the last empty seat open. Shit Kira get it together, be good. A chorus of 'oohs' fill the room as I take a seat the guy next to me glances at me, "Daymn girl," he says while smirking showing off his set of yellow teeth with a suggestive wink.

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