Chapter 21

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"Mph...fuck...." Danny slowed his breathing and bit his bottom lip hard, "aren't you supposed to be working on Asking's new album?" Danny asked. Ben stopped sucking and pulled his finger out of Danny's hole. He licked his lips and looked at Danny, smiling. "Would you rather me work on music or make you cum like I just did? Because Kitty loves making master cum. He tastes so good.."
Danny bit his bottom lip slightly harder. "Making me cum sounds better." He pulled Ben off the ground and into his arms. "Kitty want anything in return?"
Ben shook his head, "no master. Kitties satisfied."
"You sure?"
Ben nodded. "I'm sure. You're always the one bringing the pleasure anyways."
Danny sat up and grabbed his shirt off the floor, wiping off his dick. He then put on his boxers and got up. Ben watched him and was now being picked up and carried to the kitchen. "Your fiancé is going to make you lunch. What would you like Benji?"
Ben smiled. "Steak sounds good."
"Then steak you will get."
"You okay baby?"
"Well you just gave me an amazing blow job. Of course I'm okay."
Danny sighed and put down the pack of steak he had in his hands. He turned to face Ben and clenched his teeth slightly. "Want the honest truth?"
"Know how you've been saying I'm getting better? My depression and all?"
Ben nodded.
"It's not. And it's fucking killing me, Ben. The only thing that is separating me and the blade is you. You're the key link between me and my death bed."
"Danny..please go and see someone......since I can't help, maybe a stranger will."
Danny ignored him and didn't respond. All he did was turn around and get back to work on seasoning and cooking the steaks.
"So Danny. What's bothering you?" The man asked, holding his notepad in his lap. Danny fidgeted with his hands and bit his bottom lip nervously. "Relationship issues."
"Go on."
"Uh..Okay. Well....I'm gay. And I'm engaged with the guitarist of my old band. Their new singer is also gay and has a thing for Ben. The 2 of them dated before after Ben cheated on me and fucked him...They're on tour right now and working on a new album. Why does Ben expect me to trust him alone with Denis?"
"Have you tried talking to him yet?"
Danny nodded. "Yeah. It always just leads to him being mad or upset with me."
The man motioned his hand in the direction of Danny's arm, "Are those from Ben?"
Danny pulled his arm against his body and looked down. "Some are. Most are from things I never wanna talk about. Let's just say 99% of them were after suicide attempts."
"I won't force you to talk about anything. But Danny, maybe you should get Ben and Denis together and talk to them at the same time. That may solve some things."
Danny sighed, "I mean, I could try. I doubt it'll solve anything though."
"Won't kill to try."
"Are you eligible for writing prescriptions?"
He nodded.
"Could.. Could you write me one for depression pills? Please..... I'm getting so fucking sick of being sad all the damn time."
"Of course."
"Thank you."
"I don't wanna be here..." Denis mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked away from Danny and Ben, blocking out just about everything. Ben nibbled nervously on his lower lip and stared blankly at the floor. He had no idea what Danny had planned.
"Dan? Why did you wanna meet up with.....both of us?.."
"It doesn't matter. Denis. Look at me."
Denis rolled his eyes and did as he was told.
"When was the last time you kissed Ben?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Do you always have to be a dick?"
"3 days ago."
"Thought so. When was the last time you two fucked?"
"I don't know. We've only done it once."
Danny nodded, trying not to get pissed. "Good." Then he turned to Ben. "Wanna know why I'm not getting better?"
"Because I can't trust my own fiancé around a guy he had feelings for at one point."
"You... You can trust me, Danny. I promise you can.."
Danny clenched his teeth slightly and kept quiet for a minute. "Denis...You can fuck him. I don't give a shit anymore. Use him as you want."

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