Chapter 2

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Ben reached over and wiped away the tears from Danny's eyes, sucking on his bottom lip a little. "I think I may have a solution to get her back with you..." Ben mumbled, the nervousness obvious in his voice. Danny sniffled and wiped his eyes again, looking up at his friend. "Go on." Ben nodded slightly and looked back at him, feeling more and more bad for Danny with every passing second.
"She gets jealous when you're with other people, right?"
"Yeah?....May I ask what it is you're thinking?"
"We...we can act like we're dating.....But only in front of her. Since you're straight at all. All we have to do is kiss. No fucking. No blow jobs. Nothing but kissing. And that's just in front of her."
Danny couldn't help but smile at the idea. "Benji, that's a really really good idea. Since she's with us on tour. She'll have to deal with it for 5 more months!" Danny yelled, his face lighting up with joy. He threw himself into Ben's arms, hugging him tightly while burying his face in the boy's neck.
Ben wrapped his arms tightly around Danny, not sure how to feel about this situation. The way Danny was acting...It was...New. And I love it.
A few more minutes passed by before Danny eventually noticed what he was doing. That caused him to fly back, his face blood red in slight embarrassment. "I..I um...What. I'm not gay.." Was all he could stammer out, his face warming more and more.
That caused Ben to bust out in laughter. He covered his face, still laughing, trying to force himself to stop so Danny wouldn't get mad. He wiped his eyes and his laughter subsided to small giggles. "I'm sorry. That was just...really funny for some reason. Is that seriously all you could manage to say? Oh my lord."
Danny face palmed and groaned, covering his face with the blanket. "Yesss. Shut the fuck up, bruce. Oh my god. You're acting like you've never said something stupid like that before."
Ben scooted closer to Danny and pulled the blanket away from his face, leaned in, and kissed him gently. He tugged slightly at Danny's shirt, letting him know someone was behind him. And Danny knew who that someone was. So that caused him to kiss back, nipping at Ben's bottom lip slightly. A small smile spread across Danny's lips and all Ben could do was blush. He couldn't tell if that smile was forced or if it was real....
Danny leaned in again and kissed him one last time before backing away quick enough so Ben didn't have enough time to kiss back. "Sorry for kissing you twice. What I'm about to say remeber I'm not gay. K? K. I like your lips. They're really soft...and you're a good kisser, benji. Everyone says you're not. But you really are. I wouldn't mind kissing you again, honestly."
Ben brushed his finger tips against his own lips gently, letting what Danny just said sink into his thoughts. Did Danny just flirt on me?
"W-well....Since you're my "boyfriend", you can kiss me whenever..Just up to you." Ben said, meeting Danny's gaze again. Danny looked down, letting the idea roll around in his mind for a moment longer. "You sure? You're not too worried about your reputation, are you? I don't wanna screw anything up for you." Ben nodded and bit his lip again, keeping back a smile. Danny randomly punched Ben's arm, chuckling. "Fucking faggot."
"Cameron! Let's go, dude! Grab your shit and throw it on the bus!! We're gonna be late for our dinner reservations!" Sam yelled, standing on the steps to the bus. Cameron rushed over and threw his stuff into the department, closing the hatch. He rushed onto the bus, pulling Sam on with him. Most of the bus ride there was scarcely quiet except for the sound of mouth on mouth and tongue on tongue coming from Danny and Ben who have been on each other's heels the entire ride.

ames cleared his throat and that caused the two of them to look over.
"Since when were you two...a thing?"
Danny smiled, shooting a quick glance in Harlots direction who looked nothing but disgusted. "Oh. You didn't know? I've had a thing for mr.bruce for a while now. I took it as my chance to finally show it when harlot left me." He then pulled Ben onto his lap, holding him tightly against his body. He kissed his neck teasingly and moved his hands to Bens belt, slowly slowly pulling it off. He pulled Ben up off the couch and lead him to the bunk rooms, already handing the belt back.
"Too far?"
"You okay?" Danny asked, raising a curious eyebrow as he watched Ben fix the belt.
"Of course."
"I did that because I needed it to look like we need some privacy. Only because I've got oneeeeee more question."
"Can we add a little bit of touching in there somewhere? When it comes to the pants though, no touching under the boxers. No skin to skin contact."
Ben nodded slowly, trying his absolute hardest to block out the thought he knew was coming in. Is Danny gonna ask to eventually fuck in front of her? "Yeah. That sounds fine."
"Alright babeeeee. Let's go back out there."
The 6 of us took a seat at the back table, waiting for a waitress to come by. Sam was the first one to talk.
"So Danny, any idea what our set list is gonna be yet?"
"Yeah. I picked 7 songs."
"Which are?"
"To The Stage, Someone Somewhere, A prophecy, Not The American Average, Run Free, Moving On, and Break Down The Walls."
"Lemmi guess. Bens singing Someone Somewhere?"
Danny smiled, "Yup. He sure is. Who wouldn't want him to sing? His voice is beautiful..."

This chapter seems really short. :/ but there's 1000 some words.

Brusnop: Reckless & RelentlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora