Chapter 20

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"Do you know why Ben would've kissed Denis? They're not, like, together...Ben's engaged." Sam looked at his boyfriend and shook his head, frowning slightly. "No idea. Kinda fucked up that he did it. I guess it's not cheating if they didn't do anything else afterwards."
"I don't think they screwed. I hope they didn't at least."
"I don't really ship him and Denis. I mean yeah they're cute and all, but him and Danny are just straight up adorable."
Cameron pulled Sam into his lap and buried his face in the boy's neck. He kissed Sam's neck softly and smiled some. "I love you." Cameron whispered quietly. Sam blushed deeply and giggled cutely, turning his head to look at Cam, "I love you too, Cam. And I always fucking will."
"Mm..good." He then leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Sam's lips.
Sam kissed back and nipped slightly at Cameron's lower lip. "Wanna go to the park? If so, hopefully we go unnoticed by fans."
"Sounds good to me. Wait, what time is it?"
Sam glanced at the clock beside his bed, "12pm."
"Let's go thennnn."
30 minutes had passed by and the 2 of us were finally at the park. We went unnoticed walking here, but we both knew it wouldn't be long before the group of kids with colored hair seen us.
Sam watched as Cameron started to swing and couldn't stop himself from laughing. Cameron looked over at his boyfriend when he got going and narrowed his eyes slightly. "What?"
"It's so cute and funny seeing you swing. Because you're so awkwardly tall!"
"Wellll. You're so awkwardly short."
"Hey, at least I can walk on the bus without hitting my head."
Cameron frowned. "Yeah, well, fuck you."
"Please do."
Cameron blushed and looked away, getting more embarrassed when he heard Sam laughing again.
"E-excuse me?..." A girl said in a barely audible voice.
Sam and Cameron stopped swinging and looked at her. They both gave her a warm smile. "Yes?" Sam asked.
"Would you guys happen to be Sam Bettley and Cameron Liddell?..."
"Yes we are."
All the color drained from the girls face and her cheeks turned pink. "I fucking knew it from your accents..." She mumbled softly. She went to walk away, only to be stopped by Sam. "Wanna meet rest of the band?"
"Okay, you're going to be meeting our new lead that we haven't announced yet. We're trusting you not to tell anyone anything."
"I-I won't." She stammered out, staring at Ben.
"You can come out now!" James yelled.
The bus door opened and out walked Denis. He smiled at the girl and chuckled when he seen her eyes light up. "Hey." Denis said. She blushed hard and tried her best to calm her breathing. "I can't believe this is fucking happening......."
"How old are you?"
"Wanna drink with us? I'm sure we can get into a club."
"Y-yes.." She turned and looked at Ben again. Something on his finger caught her eye. "I thought you and Samantha got a divorce?.."
Ben looked down and realized what she was directing that question to. He moved his hands behind his back and blushed faintly. "This is another thing you've gotta promise not to say anything about.."
"Of course."
"Uh..I'm not.....straight."
"I kinda figured that out a long time ago."
Ben chuckled some and nodded. "Everyone knew before I did. Anyways...Danny and I are kind of getting married...."
Ben could see the excitement and joy in her eyes. "Yes."
"Well from the way you're talking, I'd say a really long time." Ben smiled.
"Yup. She's a hardcore Brusnop shipper." James said, "but let's go get shit faced."

Sorry this chapter is so short. I didn't know what else to write. I didn't really feel like writing a part where the boys and the fan went to a club.

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