Chapter 3

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"Here's your room keys, gentlemen." The desk clerk said, smiling up at the 5 of us and harlot. Danny grabbed a random key along with Ben's hand, heading straight to the elevator. "Why are you hurrying?" Ben questioned, watching the elevator doors close shut. "Because harlot is fucking following. Plus I have weed and beer in my bag. We're gonna have some fun tonight, Mr.Bruce." Danny said with a creepy, mischievous smile playing on his lips.
~Hour Or So Later~
"Mmm...Benjiiiiii. I want more vodka and Jack.." Danny whined out, running his fingers through Ben's hair as he held him close against his chest. Ben mumbled something into Danny's chest that he couldn't exactly make out and squirmed around some. He then moved Danny's hand away from his head and sat up, dark bags already under his eyes.
"But we already drunk everything, Dan...And it's only been an hour. We drunk it really fast. Plus the weeds gone too." Ben said, frowning.
Danny stifled out a rough sounding laugh and smiled at the boy. "You look like shit, Benji."
"And you look any better?"
"Of course I do. I'm sexy. Unlike you."
Ben scoffed. "Baby! How rude of you!!"
Danny laughed more and sat up in a more straighter sitting position. "Oh my god. I love you, Ben. You're great, mate."
The moment was interupted by the sound of a door opening and heels. Danny rolled his eyes and looked over to see Harlot with her stuff, kicking the door shut after everything was in. She crossed her arms and looked at them. "I'm staying in here. I can hear Cameron and Sam fucking. It's gross."
"And you think in here's gonna be any quieter?"
Ben stifled a nervous laugh and his eyes kept darting between harlot and Danny. "Baby. I told you I'm not comfortable enough yet to fuck in front of people...especially your ex."
Danny just shrugged and layed back again, staring at the ceiling. "I guarantee you'll be fine once we start. We're both drunk and high off our asses." He looked up at Ben who was blushing. A lot. And it was kinda...cute...... His lips twitched a little in attempt to hold back the smile before reaching up, and grabbed Ben. "Or we can just cuddle for now. Like we were doing a few minutes ago. Because I'm tired and you look like you're feeling the same way at the moment." Ben nodded and curled into Danny's side, closing his eyes, the scent of Danny's cologne relaxing him into a state of sheer bliss. Harlot rolled her eyes and collapsed down onto the sofa.
"I love you, baby." Danny whispered softly into Ben's ear, kissing his temple sweetly. "Good night."
"Ayeeeee! Get up! They're serving breakfast downstairs!!" James yelled loudly, banging on the door. He banged a few more times before eventually walking away. A couple minutes passed by and Danny moved around some, groaning out in pain. Ben squirmed around slightly and curled more into Danny's side, hoping to get some more warmth. His head suprisingly wasn't killing him. Now Danny on the other hand...he was looking like he wanted to murder someone. But then again, when dosent he look like that?
Danny was soon moving his hand down to Bens, locking their fingers together. He gave Ben a weak, tired smile, and blew him a kiss, winking. "Sup baby." He said in a teasing voice.
Ben couldn't help but giggle and smiled. "Hungry?"
"I am, actually. For some of that Ben Bruce booty."
Ben smiled more and let go of Danny's hand, sitting up. "If you want some of this Ben Bruce booty, then you're gonna have to come and get it." Ben said, still smiling.
Danny raised an eyebrow and sat up slowly. "Oh you really want me to do that? Better be worried that Harlot isn't awake. Give Mr.worsnop the booty and don't make me try."
"Try me."
Before Ben could even process what was happening, Danny had him pinned down on the bed and had a tight grip around both arms, holding him down. That mischievous smile was on his face again.
"Remember Benji, we like dick. So I can do whateverrrr I would like." Danny whispered softly into Bens ear, nibbling it slightly.
Ben stared up into Dannys beautiful blue-green eyes, hiding the fact that his heart was racing in excitement with a smirk. He layed there, under Danny, blushing like crazy. Ben didn't even try to pull his arms free.
"Then prove to me you've got balls enough to do something to me since you claim you're straight.."
Danny sucked on his bottom lip some, glancing over in Harlot's direction to make sure she was still asleep. He then placed a hand over Ben's mouth and looked down at him, narrowing his eyes. "Promise you won't say anything?"
"I promise." He said, kinda mumbling since his mouth was covered.

Danny nodded and leaned in, placing a small kiss on Ben's lips. He moved his hand down in between them and squeezed the boys dick gently, kissing him a little deeper. He couldn't stop himself from smiling when he heard a small gasp as Ben kissed back.
Danny moved his lips to Ben's neck and started to bite and suck, the marks quickly forming. Ben tilted his head slightly to allow more access for him, his cheeks getting warmer and warmer. Danny's lips were warm...Was he actually blushing?

Mmm...Benji......Your dick is making me start to question your sexuality." Danny said quietly against Ben's neck, chukling.
Ben smiled. "Me too, honestly."
"Am I balls enough to stop yet?" Danny questioned, biting his lip slightly.
"Not even close. Straight people do what you're doing."
"Want me to suck your dick, baby?" Danny asked out of nowhere.
And that caused Ben to sit up.
"What? I can't tell if you're serious or if you're joking......."
Before Danny could reply, a girl cleared her throat from beside the bed. His face reddened in slight embarrassment as he turned to face her. She looked pissed.
"What do you want? Ben and I were kindaaaa in the middle of something."
"You two nasty, gay fucks were seriously about the fuck with me in the room? YOU COULD'VE FUCKING WOKEN ME UP AND TOLD ME TO LEAVE!"
"Harlot..." He sighed. "I'm sor-"
"Shut up! I don't wanna hear it. Go fucking kill yourself. You defiantly won't be missed by me." She gave him a bitchy smile.
"....Just maybe I will......." He mumbled to where only himself could hear it. "Maybe then you'll be happy..."

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