Chapter 14

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Ben locked his bedroom door and wiped his eyes while walking towards his bed. He sat down and pulled something out of his pocket, the sunlight glimmering off of it. He ignored the stinging in his eyes and pulled his jacket sleeve up, revealing a perfectly clean wrist. I've went all my life without self harming.. So why now? Ben kept continuously thinking to himself. He sighed deeply and wiped his eyes once more before extending out his arm and holding the blade between his fingers.
He flexed his arm, in hopes the tightness of his skin would make it hurt less. He then slid it across his pale skin, lines of blood soon running down the side of his arm. He winced in pain when the blade cut him and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to calm his breathing. He started to breath heavily between the crying and the pain in his arm.
He all of a sudden started to feel guilty. He dropped the blade onto the floor and held his arm against his chest, not caring that it would terribly stain the white shirt he had been wearing. He stood up and rushed over to his dresser. He rummaged through his stuff before finding gawes. (Idk how to spell that.) He quickly treated his arm with peroxide and rubbing alcohol and wrapped it up.
Ben turned around and looked at his white carpet that had small spots of red on it now. Plus the bloody blade. What am I going to tell Danny?
Danny narrowed his eyes and stared down at the white carpet, looking at the red spots. He kept his eyes glued to the carpet while speaking, "So tell me again what those red spots are?" Ben looked up from his phone and bit his lip, looking between Danny and the carpet. "Food coloring."
"Mhm..Food coloring. And what made you start wearing long sleeve shirts all of a sudden? In the middle of the summer?" He finally looked up.
"I..Um..I sunburn really easy."
"But you've never cared before?"
"This state has a disease. That spreads through the air... And sunburnt people are more vulnerable."
"Hah, that's funny, because I've lived in the UK my entire life and have never heard that before. Come here."
"You're being really distant. And I don't like it."
Ben hesitated a minute before nodding. He very very slowly walked over to his bed and sat down, not meeting Danny's eyes. Ben pulled his arm closer against his stomach and ignored the pounding of his heartbeat against his chest.
"And also, I noticed that you're hiding something about your arm."
"New tattoo. And I know how you are when it comes to freshly done tattoos. You hurt me every fucking time."
"Oo, can I see?" Danny asked, the uninterest clear in his tone.
All Ben did was shake his head.
Danny narrowed his eyes in annoyance, "I tried being nice about it. Cut the bullshit Ben and show me your arm."
Ben shook his head again, still keeping quiet.
"Fine. Gonna make me get forceful? That's fine with me. Because I know you hate being teased."
"W-what are you gonna do?...."
Danny pushed him back onto the bed and pinned his arms above his head, smiling down at him when he started to kick and struggle, trying to get free. He pushed Ben's shirt up slightly, enough to reveal his nipples. He then leaned down and started to gently bite and suck on them, moving his hand down in between Ben's legs.
Danny started to rub the boys dick slowly through his jeans and smiled to himself when he noticed Ben was already getting hard. "Gonna show me your arm yet?" He asked quietly, looking up.
Danny nodded again and sat up. "Then I'll leave you and your hard dick to yourselves. See you later, Benji."
"Danny! Stop.. I hate when you tease me then leave. It makes me feel like you only use me as something you can get off to....."
Danny was already at the bedroom door before he turned around. "What?"
"You heard me.." Ben mumbled, sitting up. He shoved his hand down his pants and blushed, biting back a small gasp.
"I don't use you Ben. I would never fucking use anyone.."
Ben brushed his thumb over the head of his dick, breathing softly. He blushed more when he seen that Danny's eyes were glued to the lower part of his body. "Get out.."
"What? Why?"
"You were just leaving 2 seconds ago."
Danny shook his head and sat back down. He pulled Ben's hand away and looked into his eyes. "Benji, you mean the world to me. I don't want you hurting yourself.. You've went 27 years not touching a blade. Why now? I love you. I really really do."
Ben found himself smiling. He threw himself into Danny's arms, burying his warm face into Danny's neck. That's all it took. Just to hear that Danny actually cared. The sadness and desperation was now washed from his body. And you know Danny, he just had to break the moment.
"I can feel your boner against my leg.." He whispered into Ben's ear, chuckling.
Ben pushed himself away from Danny and felt his cheeks warming. "Yeah? And remind me, who's fault was that again?"
"Yours, my young sir."
"Haha. Very funny."
Danny pulled Ben against his body again and hugged the boy tightly, kissing the top of his head. "I love you."
"I love you too, baby."

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