Chapter 17

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Ben yawned softly and stretched, rubbing his eyes. He curled against Danny's side and rested his head on the boy's chest, looking up at him. "How'd it go with your mum and all?" Ben asked softly, rubbing his hand slowly up and down Danny's arm. Danny smiled and played with Ben's hair. "Better than I thought it would. I was really surprised that she didn't bitch me out since I haven't bothered talking to her in 2 years."
Ben nodded slightly and leaned up, kissing him gently. He giggled softly against Danny's lips when he felt him kiss back. "Know what I've been thinking about?" Ben mumbled quietly.
"No I do not."
"How we haven't messed around in a while."
Danny smiled. "Mm...Let's hold off just a while longer."
"Can't tell ya. Sorry Benji."
"Is it part of the unexpected event?"
"Hmm..It could be." He smiled a little more.
"Hint pwease?"
"Well..We'd probably be drunk. We'd be dressed differently too. Can't say how differently though.
We'd both be extremely happy...I hope. The guys would be somewhere else while we fucked, of course. Ummm...thinking of more I could say........I wou-"
"I'm starting to think you're going to propose...." Ben whispered, looking down when he felt his cheeks warming.
Danny stared at him, panic filling his thoughts. "What?"
"But I know you're not going to..I don't know. Something's just telling me that's the secret. But again, I know you won't. Because you said you never wanted to marry because you can't even keep a simple relationship going or something like that. Please don't be mad that I'm having those thoughts..."
"Benji, I'm not mad. I swear to God I'm not. Chill baby. I love you. I honestly find it kind of cute you're thinking those kinds of things. So don't panic. You can think those things as long as it makes you happy."
"Any thoughts about you make me happy...."
"I'm glad they do. But.." Danny bit his lip nervously, "can I ask you a slightly more serious question?"
Ben nodded.
"Remember when you and I were talking about how we'd be willing to start a family?"
"Would you like a boy or girl baby?"
This question made Ben sit up. What was Danny getting to?... "W-why are you asking these questions?.."
Danny shrugged some. "I've just been wondering ever since you said something."
"O-oh...Well......I'd like a baby girl."
Danny smiled to himself, nodding. "That's cute. The thought of you being a daddy soon."
"Soon? What?"
And the smile vanished quickly. Shit.
"Did I say that?"
"Yeah. What did you mean by soon?"
"I don't know why I said that. I swear I didn't mean anything by it."
"Do you guys know what Danny plans on doing? He's been acting kind of weird lately." Ben asked, looking at Sam and Cameron. Sam looked down quickly. He knew if Ben met his eyes, he'd know Sam knew what was going on. So all he did was shake his head and keep quiet. Cam was the one to say something.
"How has he been acting weird? Maybe he plans on rejoining the band?"
"He's been saying weird stuff..last night he told me to hold off a little while longer on the sex. What the fuck? That's not Danny....then..Then he asked me what gender I'd prefer if I were to ever adopt a kid." Ben sighed. "I dunno..I don't think I can hold off much longer on this "unexpected event.""
"Just give him time, Ben. Whatever he's putting together, I'm sure you'll love." Sam smiled.
"Danny, dude, you need to get this going. And quick. I think Ben's starting to catch on. I also can't tell if all this secret stuff is making him mad, upset, or sad. You need to do something."
"Ughhh...Sam, I know. I accidentally slipped up last night and said it sounds cute at the thought of you being a daddy soon. And of all the words that could've caught his attention, it just had to be soon."
Sam sighed. "Tell me your plans for the wedding. I'll get the music under control and the guest list if you want people there."
"I was gonna take him out to dinner in a week or two and do it there. In front of everyone. I wanna show that I truly, honestly love him.."
Sam smiled slightly. Danny was actually serious about this. "Danny, he knows you love him. He's going to say yes. When he long do you plan on waiting before the wedding day?"
"Half a year maybe."
"That's good. Gives you plenty of time for arrangements and all."
"Thank you so much for all the support." Danny smiled.

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