who's laughing now

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I wake up with nothing but a white sheet covering me. I roll over and see Selena already awake watching me. "Good morning." She whispers.

"Morning." I whisper back. She goes to sit up and groans. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Im sore because your a freak in the sheets thats what." She laughs. I blush bright red.

"Sorry." I say cuddling with her.

"Dont be sorry. Last night was the best night of my life." She tells me. I smile but then get serious.

"Why did you wait for forever to tell me that you loved me too. For two and a half months I sat in a jail cell thinking that you hated me." I told her.

"Well, It took a while for me to accept that I loved you too. I always knew that I did deep down inside but I always ignored it. So when you told me that you loved me, It scared me. Once I finally accepted it, I thought about it and I didnt want to tell you while you were in jail. I wanted to tell you the proper way. Which I did last night. I'm sorry that I made you wait so long." She says.

"It's okay. It was worth the wait. I'm just surprised that you have a voice this morning after all the screaming you did last night. I'm surprised the cops werent called, Somebody probably thought you were getting murdered." I tease her. She blushes bright red and hides her face in my neck.

"Stop that. I wasnt that bad." She mumbles.

"Yes you were!" I laugh. "But it was sexy." She lifts her head from my neck and giggles.

"Thanks. But you arent miss quiet yourself. You didnt scream but those moans were loud enough to hear from China!" She exclaimes.

"What can I say? I have great pipes." I tell her proudly tapping my throat.

"That you do." She agrees.

"Im gonna shower." I tell her getting up not once worried about her seeing me naked. She saw it all last night. "I havent had a good shower in 3 months."

"Can I join you?" She asks getting out of bed too. I put my finger on my chin like I am thinking about it.

"Well, That depends. Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask.

"Well of course." She says.

"Well then come on!" I say beckoning her to the bathroom.

This might be just the beggining of our relationship but I can tell that this relationship will never end. And to all of the bullies, to Mikayla, and everyone else who tried to bring me down.

Who's laughing now?

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