who's laughing now

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-Demi's Pov-

After a while Selena brings me home. I wave at her and give her a little smile before walking into my apartment. As soon as I walk in and close the door and run to the kitchen, Grab my razor blade, and yank off my braclets. I take a deep breath then a sigh of relief after i cut for the second time today. Something I dont plan on stopping. After im finished I bandage my arm up again and go to bed dreading having to wake up in the morning. Right now I feel as if I could sleep forever.

I groan as my alarm clock goes off. I make it shut up and grab my phone seeing a message from Selena.

Hey, Im picking you up to take you to school. I know your car is still there. We need to take that somewhere to get it fixed. I'll pick you up at 7AM. xoxo -Selena

I look over at my clock and see its 6:30. I have an half hour to get ready. I drag myself out of bed and get dressed. I pile my braclets back on my arm making sure they cover my cuts. I brush my hair, Grab my blade and walk out the door. I sit on my steps and wait for Selena to show up. A few minutes later I see her car pull in and I go sit in the passengers side.

"Hey." Selena says smiling.

"Hey." I respond back. She pulls out of the drive way and drives to school. We get out of the car after she parks in the parking lott and walk in the school. I gasp as soon as I walk in. Everywhere there are pictures of my and Selena hugging in the park and one of us holding hands in the park. Underneath the pictures it said "Selena and Demi, The school dykes." Everyone had one in there hand and was pointing and laughing. I heard constant shouts of 'Dykes' and other things. I started to run towards my locker trying to get away from everybody. I could hear Selena behind me.

As I was walking a guy pinned me against the lockers harshly. I groaned as my head hit them. I recongnized this guy as one of the jocks in school. He ran his hands up and down my sides and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"You know, I could show you why guys are so much better. Then you wont have to be a little dyke anymore." He whispers harshly. His hands slide up and grab my breasts over my shirt. I try to push his away but he just knees me in the stomach. His knee hits the bruise that was already there and makes the hit hurt 10 times worse. His hands slide under my shirt and under my bra and actually grab my bare breasts. I whimper trying to get away from him but he just tightens his grip on my breasts. "You have such a good body Demi. I'd love to tap that. And I will one day." He says. The bell for class rings and he removes his hands from my breasts and walks away.

When I look over i see Selena struggling to get out of two girls grip. She's looking at me with a concerned expression as i slump to the floor with tears in my eyes. Finally the two girl let go of her and push her to the floor. She crawls over to me and sits infront of me.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"That scared me Selena." I sob. "What if he tries to rape me? What if he finds my house?" I ask worried.

"I wont let him touch you. Until your mom gets out of rehab I want you to live with me okay?" She asks. I just nod my head. She pulls me in for a hug and lets me cry in her neck.

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